一問二答雅思口說Part 2範例:Something Healthy

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Describe something you enjoy doing that is healthy. You should say:
what you do
where and how often you do it
why you enjoy doing it
and explain why it is healthy.


After clocking out from work, I found myself seeking a stimulating yet healthy hobby to counterbalance the sedentary nature of my job. That's when the idea of starting a pool club struck me. I rallied some like-minded colleagues, rented a table at a local billiards hall, and hired a seasoned coach to guide us. Every Thursday evening without fail, you'll find us gathered around the green felt, cue sticks in hand. Our coach imparts invaluable techniques, from proper bridge formation to intricate spin and positioning strategies. Though the game appears deceptively simple, mastering it demands focus, hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking. In the beginning, our shots often went awry, but through diligent practice, we've honed our skills substantially. Now, nearly a year later, our games have become increasingly competitive and enjoyable. Beyond the mental stimulation, pool has provided a fantastic avenue for physical activity. The constant bending, stretching, and walking around the table ensures I remain active. It's an incredibly engaging and healthy pursuit that I've wholeheartedly embraced.



One activity I'm keen on doing is solo hiking along the mountain trails in my nearby region. I dedicate my Saturday mornings to this pursuit, and it has become a steadfast routine for nearly two years without interruption. The trail I follow is scenic, weaving through dense forests and along serene streams, offering a tranquil escape from the urban hustle. I start early to avoid the midday heat and to savor the morning calm.

I enjoy solo hiking for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in nature, which I find incredibly refreshing and grounding. The solitude allows me to reflect, clear my mind, and enjoy the simplicity of being outdoors. Moreover, the physical exertion involved in hiking is invigorating and contributes to my overall fitness. It helps me build stamina, strengthen my muscles, and maintain a healthy weight.

In terms of health benefits, hiking is excellent cardiovascular exercise, which enhances heart health and boosts lung capacity. It also has a positive impact on mental well-being, as being in nature reduces stress levels and promotes a sense of peace. The combination of physical and mental rejuvenation makes solo hiking an indispensable part of my routine.




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昨天聽了Lady Gaga唱的Hold my hand,起初的感受是歌手把這首歌詮釋得很好,就沒有其他想法了。由於這首歌是捍衛戰士二的片尾曲,想必歌曲的詮釋和電影故事有關,所以就決定去電影院欣賞這部經典神作。 電影中有個橋段,獨行俠為了救公雞,犧牲自己,長官要求所有任務成員盡快飛回基地。
去年開幕的星乃,排隊熱潮終於淡了一些,但如果到現場才掃碼訂位,還是要等上許久,網路上有許多食記分享都有放上二維碼,可以估算一下時間提前預約。 內含舒芙蕾熱蛋糕和鹹食心得。