Alice在百貨公司周年慶門口排隊時,與前面的女性外國人展開Small Talk
Alice: "That's so cool! Are you visiting Taiwan then?"「太酷了!那你是來台灣旅遊的嗎?」
Ivy: "Sort of. I'm Ivy, by the way. I'm a digital nomad, and this is actually my third time in Taiwan. I stay in each country for about two months."「算是吧。順便說一下,我叫 Ivy。我是個數位遊牧民族,這其實是我第三次來台灣了。我通常在每個國家停留大約兩個月。」
Alice: "Wow, that's fascinating! I'm Alice. What brings you back to Taiwan? And how did you hear about this sale?"「哇,太有趣了!我是 Alice。是什麼讓你一再回到台灣呢?還有,你是怎麼知道這個特賣會的?」
Ivy: "I love the blend of modern and traditional here. Plus, the food is amazing! As for the sale, my local friends couldn't stop talking about it. Apparently, it's a big deal?"「我喜歡這裡現代和傳統的融合。再加上,這裡的食物太棒了!至於這個特賣會,我的台灣朋友一直在談論它。看來這是件大事?」
Alice: "Oh, it's huge! Department store anniversary sales are like a national event here. People plan for it months in advance. It's your first time experiencing it?"「哦,確實很重要!百貨公司週年慶在這裡就像是國家級的活動。人們提前幾個月就開始計劃了。這是你第一次體驗嗎?」
Ivy: "Yes, it is! I'm both excited and a bit overwhelmed. Any tips for a first-timer?"「是的,是第一次!我既興奮又有點不知所措。對第一次參加的人有什麼建議嗎?」
Alice: "Well, have a game plan. Know what you want to buy beforehand. The cosmetics and skincare sections usually have the best deals."「嗯,要有個計劃。事先知道你想買什麼。化妝品和護膚品區通常有最好的優惠。」
Ivy: "That's great advice, thanks! I'm actually looking for some local skincare brands. Any recommendations?"「建議真不錯,謝謝!我其實在找一些本地護膚品牌。有什麼推薦的嗎?」
Alice: "Definitely! There's a brand called 'My Beauty Diary' that makes amazing sheet masks. And 'Dr. Wu' has great serums. I can show you where to find them if you'd like."「當然有!有一個叫『我的美麗日記』的品牌,他們的面膜很棒。還有『達爾膚』的精華液很好。如果你想的話,我可以帶你去找找。」
Ivy: "That would be wonderful! I'd love to shop with a local. Maybe you can tell me more about life in Taiwan too?"「那太好了!我很樂意和本地人一起購物。也許你可以多告訴我一些在台灣的生活?」
Alice: "Of course! I'd be happy to. And in return, you can share some stories from your travels. Shall we brave the sales together once we're inside?"「當然可以!我很樂意。作為回報,你可以分享一些你旅行的故事。我們進去後一起勇闖特賣會如何?」
Ivy: "Sounds like a plan! I'm so glad I met you, Alice. This is going to be much more fun than shopping alone!"「聽起來不錯!我很高興認識你,Alice。這樣比一個人購物有趣多了!」
Alice: "Me too, Ivy! Let's get ready, I think they're about to open the doors."「我也是,Ivy!準備好,我想他們快要開門了。」