每日英語 #075: “See You Later, Alligator”

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“See You Later, Alligator”

Children often have their own language, things they say that are “meaningful” (has meaning) to them and that are “amusing” (funny) to them. One very common “exchange” (communication between two people) between two children goes like this:


A: “See you later, alligator.” B: “After a while, crocodile.”

A: “待會見,短吻鱷。” B: “過一會見,鱷魚。”

This is a funny way that children sometimes say goodbye to each other. It’s just one of those things that American kids say to be funny. “Crocodiles” and “alligators” are both animals that live in the water with very large “jaws” (mouths), “rough” (not smooth) skin, and long tails. Why do they use “alligator” and “crocodile”? Nobody knows.


“See you later” is perhaps the most common way to informally say goodbye. Other ways to informally say goodbye are:


  • “See you.”
  • “Catch you later.”
  • “Later.”
  • “Bye.”
  • “Nice seeing you.”
  • “Good to see you.”

Note that with the expression “See you,” Americans pronounce the “you” as “ya,” so that “See you” is actually pronounced “See ya.” In fact, pronouncing it as “See you” would sound strange to a native speaker.

請注意,在表達“See you”時,美國人將“you”發音為“ya”,所以“See you”實際上發音為“See ya”。事實上,將其發音為“See you”對母語者來說聽起來會很奇怪。

The other expressions–”catch you later,” “nice to see you,” and “good to see you.”– can be pronounced either way, as “you” or “ya.” The less formal you are, the more likely you are to say “ya” rather than “you.”



  1. Meaningful 有意義的 /ˈmiːnɪŋfəl/
  2. Amusing 有趣的 /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/
  3. Exchange 對話 /ɪksˈʧeɪndʒ/
  4. Alligator 短吻鱷 /ˈælɪɡeɪtər/
  5. Crocodile 鱷魚 /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/
  6. Jaws 下顎 /ʤɔːz/
  7. Rough 粗糙的 /rʌf/
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如何有效學習英文:從口語入手 很多人以為學習英文只需要專注閱讀,忽略口語的重要性,這是錯誤的觀念。學習英文的目標應該是達到「清順自然」的境界。只要能達到這四個字的標準,無論用什麼方法,我們都應該支持。重要的是,只有以口語為基礎,才能寫出流暢自然的英文。
如何有效學習英文:從口語入手 很多人以為學習英文只需要專注閱讀,忽略口語的重要性,這是錯誤的觀念。學習英文的目標應該是達到「清順自然」的境界。只要能達到這四個字的標準,無論用什麼方法,我們都應該支持。重要的是,只有以口語為基礎,才能寫出流暢自然的英文。