I agree that people have to work hard, but I don’t agree if you have to work hard all your life. Hard work is important, and proper rest is also important. Stopping the tedious things at hand and allowing your tired body to get proper rest cannot be ignored. thing. As the saying goes, "Rest is to take a longer journey." So! Stop what you are doing and leave your worries behind. Give yourself a few days off!人要努力這點我同意,但倘若一生都在努力我可不同意,努力很重要沒錯,同時適當的休息也很重要,停下手邊繁瑣的事務,讓疲憊的身體獲得適當的休息是不可忽視的事。俗話說"休息是為了走更長遠的路"所以啊!停下手邊的事,把煩惱拋之腦後。給自己放幾天假吧!