Recommended Project Management Systems

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In recent years, with the wave of digital transformation, more and more companies have embarked on the path of digitalization. For project-oriented companies, procuring a suitable project management system can effectively control project progress, monitor project finances and timelines in real-time, reduce the management burden on project managers, and ensure efficient project execution. Project management systems have become indispensable tools for project professionals. This article introduces five highly acclaimed project management systems, each offering powerful features and ease of use to help project managers efficiently organize, track, and complete projects.

1. 8Manage PPM

8Manage PPM is one of the top project management systems in China, boasting 20 years of experience in modern enterprise management software technology and implementation. Its features include comprehensive management, requirements management, planning and execution, resource management, time tracking, deliverables and milestones, test cases and quality control, issue and risk management, communication management, change requests, and a report center. It helps project teams quickly and effectively complete tasks, maximizes end-to-end workflow automation, and significantly improves project management efficiency. 8Manage PPM can integrate with other systems like CRM and SRM, and it offers a mobile app for seamless multi-business, multi-scenario connectivity. Its intuitive interface and robust functionality make it a top choice for many enterprises.


2. Orangescrum

Orangescrum is an all-in-one online collaboration and project management software suitable for teams of all sizes. It helps organize projects, lead teams, and control business operations. Orangescrum offers cloud, self-hosted, and open-source versions, providing rich project management features such as Agile Scrum project management, Gantt charts, Kanban view, project and task templates, workload management, and custom task statuses.

3. Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a project management tool from Microsoft, suitable for enterprises, teams, and management. Its core features include project planning, task management, resource management, and team collaboration. It is ideal for internal communication, project management, and team collaboration within enterprises.

4. Tower

Tower is a collaboration tool from ONES, designed specifically for teamwork. It simplifies business processes and helps teams advance projects more effectively, not limited to R&D projects but also applicable to software development, HR management, sales management, legal affairs, and more.

5. Hive

Hive is a versatile and intuitive project management tool that simplifies collaboration and boosts productivity. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it offers a seamless experience for teams of all sizes. Hive provides various project views, including Gantt charts and Kanban boards, enabling users to visualize workflows and easily track progress.

Overall, these five project management systems each have their unique features but all provide strong support and assistance to project managers. Choosing the right tool depends on the teams needs and preferences, but any of these systems can help managers organize and manage projects more efficiently, improving team productivity.

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