【繪本推薦】動物王國ANIMAL KINGDOM 童話繪本 - 首推好書 children book recommend

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動物王國Animal Kingdom - Jacqueline Chuang

動物王國Animal Kingdom - Jacqueline Chuang

很久很久以前,有一個受傷的獅王在洞穴裡被三隻野狼脅迫, 野狼們說:「咱們現在來瓜分肉食吧!」

Once upon a time, there was an injured lion king who was threatened by three wolves in a cave. These wolves said, "Let's divide the meat now!"




受傷的獅王為了保全王國裡的動物, 擔心若此時不先屈就野狼們的要求, 動物王國裡的動物將被.........................

In order to save the animals in the kingdom, the injured lion king was worried that if he did not give in to the demands of the wolves said, the animals in the animal kingdom would be... ...




野狼裡有一隻野狼,本來是隻小野兔, 跟在獅王身邊很久, 希望能學習獅王的智慧與領導能力, 讓動物王國變得更美好。

There was a white wolf among the three wolves, who was originally a little rabbit. He has been following the lion king for a long time and was hoping to learn from the King's wisdom and leadership to make the animal kingdom become a better place.

但因為小兔子被野狼巫師下了咒, 就變成了野狼, 而這隻小野兔. 本性是不壞的. 只因為野狼巫師的魔咒太強大, 經不起誘惑的他, 也就迷失了自己, 最終外形也轉變成了野狼的形體。

However, the little rabbit was cursed by the wolf wizard, he turned into a white wolf. Nevertheless, this little rabbit was not bad in his nature. Due to the wolf wizard's spell was too powerful, the little rabbit could not withstand the temptation. Eventually he lost himself, and his appearance transformed into a white wolf.

那天, 受傷的獅王說:「說吧~你們想要怎麼分食呢?」

That day, the injured ion king said, "Tell me, how do you want to divide the meats?"




第一隻野狼說:「我覺得現在食物太少, 你的王國裡有那麼多動物, 就讓我們指揮他們去找出獵食來給我們吧! 如果找不到, 我們就只好吃了他們。」

The first devious wolf said: "I think now food is not enough here. There are so many animals in your kingdom, let me command them to find some prey for us. If they can't find the food, we will eat them." 




第二隻野狼說:「是啊,我們也不想傷害你的動物子民, 不過,總該給我們這群狼爺一些好處吧~  但因為你畢竟還是動物王國的國王,所以, 你先吃, 吃完我們狼爺們再吃,。」

The second sneaky wolf said: "We don't want to hurt your animal civilians, but you should give us, wolf pack, some benefits~ However, you are still the king of the animal kingdom, so you are allowed to eat first. As to us, the wolves, would eat after you have finished."

 第三隻野狼,也就是兔子變成的野狼說:「我以前在獅王身邊那麼久, 應該可以分到不少吧!」

The third wolf, who used to a rabbit then said: "I have been followed with the lion king for a long time, I think I could get a lot of the meats!"





Since these wolves began to show their ambition to take over the animal kingdom, the kingdom was into chaos.




王國裡的動物開始互相猜忌互相推卸工作, 每隻動物變得毫無希望,看不到自己在動物王國生存的未來。

All animals in the kingdom began to be suspicious of each other and shirk their duties. Each animal became hopeless and unable to see their future in the animal kingdom.




若不聽從野狼的指令, 深怕有一天自己會變成野狼的食物或是被趕出動物王國, 所以只好一天過一天,

They were afraid that if they don't obey the instructions of those wolves, and then one day they would be killed by the wolves or kicked out of the animal kingdom, so they started to live without hope from day to day.

然而王國的食物越來越少了, 老鼠將軍也因為過於疲累,獵到的肉食一天比一天少, 有時甚至完全獵不到。

While tthe food in the kingdom was goning to out of the stock, there was a mouse, who was the general in the aninimal kingdom. He's always too tired to hunt the meats and their food was getting less and less day by day. Sometimes the General Mouse even couldn't find any food at all.




受傷的獅王怕王國的動物餓死或被野狼吃掉, 就四處尋找方法想想拯救這個危急的狀況。              

The injured lion king was worried that animals in the kingdom would starve to death or be eaten by the wolves, so he tried to look around for ways to save this urgent situation.


第一隻野狼就說:我來負責規劃新的策略讓獅王你們去鄰國獵食吧~ 其實第一隻野狼一直希望獅王可以讓他來管理動物王國。

The first devious wolf said: I can take charge for planning new strategies for lion king to hunt in neighboring countries. 

In fact, the first devious wolf always desires that he can dominate the animal kingdom.


而獅王之所以願意讓第一隻野狼來策劃, 也是因為獅王在前一次戰爭中,  輕信了先前他找來的大野狼,以為他可以替動物王國找到許多吃不完的獵物。

The reason why lion king was willing to let the first devious wolf help him which was lion pack mislead themselves into trusting an evil wolf in the previous war. Lion pack thought that evil wolf could find many endless prey for the animal kingdom.





But the lion king didn’t know that the evil wolf just wanted to use the resources in the animal kingdom to build a house for him and establish his own kingdom............. ..................................................




而第一隻野狼因為先前受盡大野狼的屈辱, 早就在心裡發了誓,  總有一天要扳倒大野狼掌管動物王國.

Because the first devious wolf had suffered the humiliation from the evil wolf before, he had already sworn to his heart that one day he would overthrow the evil wolf and take over the animal kingdom.




當第一隻野狼發現自己一直無法立下功勞, 而那時的王國獵食的狀況一日比一日差。

When the first devious wolf found that he was unable to make any achievements, and the hunting situation in the kingdom at that time was getting worse day by day.




大野狼因為第一隻野狼直接與獅王秘密會議, 就開始不時的羞辱第一隻野狼對動物王國沒有貢獻.......................

Due to evil wolf's suspicious, while he saw the first devious wolf had a secret meeting with the lion king, He began to humiliate the first devious wolf from time to time for having no contributing to the animal kingdom............. .

從那時候開始,第一隻野狼再也不像從前那樣單純了, 開始心懷仇恨, 也就在大野狼被趕出動物王國後, 第一隻野狼就露出他的真面目.....................................

From that on, the first devious wolf was no longer as innocent as before, and began to harbor hatred. After the evil wolf was driven out of the animal kingdom, the first devious wolf revealed his true color..............................




在獅王受傷後, 第一隻大野狼開始認為自己也能擁有一個王國,  並開始籌劃著如何獲得獅王的肯定讓他能掌管動物王國。

After the lion king was injured, the first devious wolf began to think that he could own a kingdom, and started to plan how to get the lion king's appreciation so that he could take over the animal kingdom.

然而,在第二隻野狼發現第一隻野狼所獲得的肉食份量比他多時, 曾經向猴子侍衛長抱怨說:       

Nevertheless, when the second sneaky wolf discovered that the first devious wolf had received more meats than him, he once complained to the head of the monkey guard:

「第一隻野狼的之前學校的資歷好像造假,憑什麼可以分到比他多, 我偷偷去查他的背景, 第一隻野狼明明就不是像他所說的得到動物世界規定正統學校合格。」

"The qualifications of the first devious wolf's school seemed to be fake. Why could he divide more meats than me? I secretly checked his background, the first devious wolf clearly did not pass the orthodox school prescribed by the animal world as he said."




第二隻野狼因為大野狼的犯罪事跡敗露, 就開始像第一隻野狼示好。

After the evil wolf's criminal deeds were exposed during his power, the second sneaky wolf began to show favor to the first devious wolf.





The second sneaky wolf asked the first devious wolf to help him figure out a way to not be dragged down by the responsibility of covering up his crimes for the evil wolf.


There have been rumors in the animal kingdom that it was because the second sneaky wolf found evil wolf was getting greedy and unable to hunt a lot of the prey which he boasted he can get for the kingdom.



並且大野狼一次比一次貪心, 第二隻野狼擔心若事情東窗事發, 自己必定會被獵殺。

Moreover, the evil wolf became more and more greedy each time. The second sneaky wolf was worried that if the incident came to light, he would be hunted.



所以才私下將大野狼的罪行告訴了其他的獅子, 讓獅群來責備獅王的管理失誤並把獅王逼下王位.....................


He privately told the other lions about the evil wolf's crimes, so that the lions could blame the lion king for his management mistakes and force the lion king to step down from the throne............................................................................................ ................................................................. ..................To be continued, book purchse link as below.

動物王國 Animal Kingdom -作家 Jacqueline Chuang/ 插畫家 Ya Wen 

動物王國ANIMAL KINGDOM 童話繪本---傳達一種喚醒人們的信號「愛與希望」,希望無論扮演什麼角色或身處任何環境,每個人都能找到真誠的愛。


It conveys a signal of "Love and Hope" that awakens people, hoping that no matter what kind of roles or environments that people are in, each person can find their true love. 


(購書請洽: 博客來/白象/三民/PC Home/讀冊/灰熊網路書店)

動物王國Animal Kingdom - 三民網路書店 (sanmin.com.tw)

博客來-動物王國 Animal Kingdom (books.com.tw)


#動物王國ANIMAL KINGDOM  #童話繪本 #jacquelinechuang

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    今天是圖靈誕辰100週年的日子,想起這本很壓抑的繪本《Der Fall Alan Turing: Die Geschichte und Tragödie eines Aussergewöhnlichen Genies》。該繪本原文為法文,由Éric Liberge和Arnaud Delalande合
    江湖傳說男寶不是喜歡恐龍就是喜歡車子,我們家的允就是標標準準的車控一枚。只要有各種交通工具相關的書籍,他都很喜歡。 今天就先來分享部分我們常常親子共讀的書, 1.小企鵝系列 各種小企鵝系列的繪本,是日本人氣作家工藤紀子的入門款。我們一開始是先在圖書館借了小企鵝搭火車,覺得裡面的企鵝三姊弟實在太可愛了
    第一次接觸到無字繪本的時候,老實說會有點不知道如果開始閱讀。在這個已經習慣用文字來溝通大小細節的體制下,其實有時候無字反而可以延展出不一樣的可能性。 尤其對孩子來說,更是想像力的無限啟發。 透過一張圖片,可以觀察到書中的各種細節與表情行為,會發現不一樣的人往往能看到不一樣的解讀,從而最後從口中念出來
    突然想來紀錄一下親子共讀的繪本,不只紀錄兒子從小到大的喜好。也許有一天,等時間都穿過我們之後,這些繪本的圖像和文字也許會突然竄出,讓我們知道,我們一起擁有過那麼多美好的時光。 睡前跟平常遊戲共讀的書我會稍微分開,睡前的讀物我會選比較有寓意、比較溫暖的,讓兒子在睡前有平靜又愉快的心情。 以下幾本是允允
    節日來臨時,我們會選些應景的繪本,一起感受節日的傳統和氛圍。 今年過年最喜歡這本[好忙的除夕]! 裡面的除夕必備都真真實實的發生過,極度懷念一家人完完整整的團圓在一起。 即使當年幼時只覺得除夕真的好忙好累好想花紅包錢喔哈哈哈。 羅允非常喜歡這本書,我們共讀了n遍,都快倒背如流了。
    徵的就是你 🫵 超ㄅㄧㄤˋ 獎品搭配超瞎趴的四大主題,等你踹共啦!還有機會獲得經典的「偉士牌樂高」喔!馬上來參加本次的活動吧!
    隨著理財資訊的普及,越來越多台灣人不再將資產侷限於台股,而是將視野拓展到國際市場。特別是美國市場,其豐富的理財選擇,讓不少人開始思考將資金配置於海外市場的可能性。 然而,要參與美國市場並不只是盲目跟隨標的這麼簡單,而是需要策略和方式,尤其對新手而言,除了選股以外還會遇到語言、開戶流程、Ap
    以父親的暢銷書《與成功有約》的7個習慣為基礎,西恩·柯維用故事的方式,幫助孩子將7個重要的習慣運用在生活中。 裡面緊扣著七大主題: 1️⃣主動積極 2️⃣以終為始 3️⃣要事第一 4️⃣雙贏思維 5️⃣知彼知己 6️⃣統合綜效 7️⃣不斷更新
    最暖心❤️的一句話分享給大家: 「是你陪著我慢慢走,是我們一起辦到了。」 能有祖父母(阿公阿嬤爺爺奶奶)陪伴的孩子是幸福的, 這些回憶都是無可取代, 也把 #阿公的跟屁蟲 這本書推薦給大家!
    【繪本推薦】如何用繪本討論萬聖節裝扮? 用繪本來和孩子們討論萬聖節的裝扮,邊學習萬聖節活動有趣之處吧!
    今天是圖靈誕辰100週年的日子,想起這本很壓抑的繪本《Der Fall Alan Turing: Die Geschichte und Tragödie eines Aussergewöhnlichen Genies》。該繪本原文為法文,由Éric Liberge和Arnaud Delalande合
    江湖傳說男寶不是喜歡恐龍就是喜歡車子,我們家的允就是標標準準的車控一枚。只要有各種交通工具相關的書籍,他都很喜歡。 今天就先來分享部分我們常常親子共讀的書, 1.小企鵝系列 各種小企鵝系列的繪本,是日本人氣作家工藤紀子的入門款。我們一開始是先在圖書館借了小企鵝搭火車,覺得裡面的企鵝三姊弟實在太可愛了
    第一次接觸到無字繪本的時候,老實說會有點不知道如果開始閱讀。在這個已經習慣用文字來溝通大小細節的體制下,其實有時候無字反而可以延展出不一樣的可能性。 尤其對孩子來說,更是想像力的無限啟發。 透過一張圖片,可以觀察到書中的各種細節與表情行為,會發現不一樣的人往往能看到不一樣的解讀,從而最後從口中念出來
    突然想來紀錄一下親子共讀的繪本,不只紀錄兒子從小到大的喜好。也許有一天,等時間都穿過我們之後,這些繪本的圖像和文字也許會突然竄出,讓我們知道,我們一起擁有過那麼多美好的時光。 睡前跟平常遊戲共讀的書我會稍微分開,睡前的讀物我會選比較有寓意、比較溫暖的,讓兒子在睡前有平靜又愉快的心情。 以下幾本是允允
    節日來臨時,我們會選些應景的繪本,一起感受節日的傳統和氛圍。 今年過年最喜歡這本[好忙的除夕]! 裡面的除夕必備都真真實實的發生過,極度懷念一家人完完整整的團圓在一起。 即使當年幼時只覺得除夕真的好忙好累好想花紅包錢喔哈哈哈。 羅允非常喜歡這本書,我們共讀了n遍,都快倒背如流了。