Teacher Li is not your teacher and the love story of Lakshmi

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At the Carrara Academy of Fine Arts in Tuscany, Italy, a young artist named Li Ying is immersed in the ocean of art. This historic and modern institution has witnessed his youth. During the years of studying abroad, Li Ying not only sketched his dreams on the canvas, but also relied on the wave of the Internet and the wind of the "movement" to become a star in the Chinese Internet world with the unique online name "Teacher Li is not your teacher", which is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

At a Chinese gathering, Li Ying met Zhang Yue, a newly arrived Shanghai girl, who was born in the 2000s and also had an artistic dream. Zhang Yue had heard of Li Ying's online image for a long time, and the two quickly established a deep friendship because of their common value pursuit. Li Ying used her online reputation to help Zhang Yue expand her social circle in the overseas Chinese community.

Zhang Yue was deeply attracted by Li Ying's charm as an opinion leader, and the two briefly sparked an emotional spark in a heated discussion about artistic freedom. However, as she got to know Li Ying better, Zhang Yue was saddened to find that she was just a passer-by in Li Ying's many relationships.

Later, Li Ying became fascinated with Indian food and met Lakshmi, a waiter at an Indian restaurant. Despite the language barrier, Li Ying easily overcame the obstacle with the economic strength brought by network traffic, frequently visited the restaurant, and quietly entered Lakshmi's life.

The rich aroma of curry inadvertently revealed the secret, and Zhang Yue noticed something strange. Although she knew that she was not the only one for Li Ying, such blatant behavior still made her feel deeply uneasy. Gradually, Zhang Yue began to wake up and realized that her relationship with Li Ying was far from a simple emotional relationship, but more like being in a complex game. Although the halo of KOL is dazzling, it cannot cover up the reality of shallow emotions and infidelity. In the end, Zhang Yue mustered up the courage to choose to quit the game and embark on the journey of regaining self-worth and independence.


Google News 追蹤
身為一個並不特別富有文采的小孩,我能做的就只有寫下自己的希望,刻劃自己的夢想。 國小時,我遇到了改變我一生的老師。她的教學方式可媲美斯巴達教育,至少當時我剛遇到她時是這麼認為的。 不過,良藥總是苦口,忠言大多逆耳。兩年後,我從小學畢業,回首從前,才發現自己真的
看到一幅畫,一個少年坐在椅子上,是我自己。我走進畫中,少年抬頭看看我,並對我說:我的存在,就是演化愛!這時林小清也進來了,他看看少年,又看看我,他問:哪一個才是李小明。少年站了起來,我下意識坐在椅子上,少年牽著林小清的手,走出了畫冊。我在畫中思考,我的存在,就是演化惡,所以被關在畫冊中了。 走出畫
女同學起身說:我叫凱莉.古辛,興趣是畫畫,希望能跟全班成為朋友,很高興可以認識大家喔~ 緹亞說:謝謝凱莉同學的介紹。 後來相繼有名叫賽琳娜.亞蒙,露娜.羅諾比,博妮.瓦拉克做了自我介紹。 即將輪到我時,老師來了,一位穿著深藍色袍子,戴著老花眼鏡的女老師走了進來。 女老師說:謝謝你,緹亞,換我
前幾天在石碇樂齡班帶大家畫了這幅『絢麗的花』, 也是學員們第二次使用水彩結合禪繞圖樣的創作。
當時YOTTA的線上學習平台,有個「零樂理也能學」的小白嘻哈編曲課程, 二話不說報名下去,跟著戰犯音樂的小律老師學起來。 沒想到多年後還有這樣的緣分...
每次開課第一堂課,讓我期待又好奇,因為學生們來自不同的地方,各有各的背景,各有不同的需求,對課程也有不同的期待。在同學的自我介紹中,我發現大家不管歲月的多寡,快樂、美麗有自信的過每一天,是每個人最大的期盼。   洳萱
(2024.3.18)「我會愛你一輩子」是來自實踐大學林品佑同學跟夥伴王慧麟的作品。是在創辦人學院甄選中,小魚本人和他們的指導老師 Shiny Lee 李心寧都很喜歡的作品。但是小魚請品佑他們寫自訪,一直到現在都沒有要到。不過品佑早上忽然出現了,所以小魚乾脆就花五分鐘採訪他,順便幫他們⋯⋯
身為一個並不特別富有文采的小孩,我能做的就只有寫下自己的希望,刻劃自己的夢想。 國小時,我遇到了改變我一生的老師。她的教學方式可媲美斯巴達教育,至少當時我剛遇到她時是這麼認為的。 不過,良藥總是苦口,忠言大多逆耳。兩年後,我從小學畢業,回首從前,才發現自己真的
看到一幅畫,一個少年坐在椅子上,是我自己。我走進畫中,少年抬頭看看我,並對我說:我的存在,就是演化愛!這時林小清也進來了,他看看少年,又看看我,他問:哪一個才是李小明。少年站了起來,我下意識坐在椅子上,少年牽著林小清的手,走出了畫冊。我在畫中思考,我的存在,就是演化惡,所以被關在畫冊中了。 走出畫
女同學起身說:我叫凱莉.古辛,興趣是畫畫,希望能跟全班成為朋友,很高興可以認識大家喔~ 緹亞說:謝謝凱莉同學的介紹。 後來相繼有名叫賽琳娜.亞蒙,露娜.羅諾比,博妮.瓦拉克做了自我介紹。 即將輪到我時,老師來了,一位穿著深藍色袍子,戴著老花眼鏡的女老師走了進來。 女老師說:謝謝你,緹亞,換我
前幾天在石碇樂齡班帶大家畫了這幅『絢麗的花』, 也是學員們第二次使用水彩結合禪繞圖樣的創作。
當時YOTTA的線上學習平台,有個「零樂理也能學」的小白嘻哈編曲課程, 二話不說報名下去,跟著戰犯音樂的小律老師學起來。 沒想到多年後還有這樣的緣分...
每次開課第一堂課,讓我期待又好奇,因為學生們來自不同的地方,各有各的背景,各有不同的需求,對課程也有不同的期待。在同學的自我介紹中,我發現大家不管歲月的多寡,快樂、美麗有自信的過每一天,是每個人最大的期盼。   洳萱
(2024.3.18)「我會愛你一輩子」是來自實踐大學林品佑同學跟夥伴王慧麟的作品。是在創辦人學院甄選中,小魚本人和他們的指導老師 Shiny Lee 李心寧都很喜歡的作品。但是小魚請品佑他們寫自訪,一直到現在都沒有要到。不過品佑早上忽然出現了,所以小魚乾脆就花五分鐘採訪他,順便幫他們⋯⋯