今年夏天特別酷熱,東京、台北氣溫高達 36°C 上下,如果你已經厭倦了一成不變的冷飲,看看你是否嘗試過這些各國不同的夏季飲料吧!
1. Pimm's Cup (United Kingdom) 皮姆之杯 (英國)
2. Caesar (Canada) 凱撒雞尾酒 (加拿大)
3. Lemon, Lime, and Bitters (LLB for short) (Australia)
檸檬萊姆苦精 (縮寫為 LLB) (澳洲)
4. Lemon & Paeroa (L&P) (New Zealand)
檸檬帕羅阿汽水 (紐西蘭)
5. Mugicha / 麦茶 / むぎちゃ (Japan) 麥茶 (日本)
6. Omija Tea / 오미자차 (South Korea) 五味子茶 (韓國)
*另外,瑞昇英語開設了另一個主題房間,名稱是瑞昇到處玩 Rayson Adventure,今天 8/13 中午發布 日光四日行 1 (羽田-淺草-日光車站-栃木日光萬楓酒店),有興趣的讀者們記得去看,歡迎大家留言互動討論,跟我一起交流分享你們的旅遊經驗喔!
Pimm's No. 1, lemonade, mint, orange, strawberries, cucumber.
smell / flavor:
Fruity and refreshing with a hint of herbs.
味道 / 口味:
Clamato juice, vodka, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, celery salt, lime, celery stick.
Clamato = clam 蛤蜊 + tomato juice 番茄汁
Worcestershire sauce (伍斯特醬) is a fermented (發酵的) liquid condiment (調味料) originating from Worcester (伍斯特), England. It is known for its complex flavor profile (風味輪廓), which includes tangy (酸嗆的), savory (鹹的), and slightly sweet notes (特點). The sauce is made from ingredients such as vinegar, molasses, sugar, salt, anchovies (鯷魚), tamarind extract (羅望子萃取物), onions, garlic, and various spices. The fermentation process and the blending of these ingredients result in a unique umami-rich flavor (umami 鮮味,說明見下). Worcestershire sauce is commonly used to enhance the taste of meat, soup, stew, and other dishes.
molasses /məˈlæs.ɪz/ (UN) 糖蜜
tamarind /ˈtæmərɪnd/ (CN) 羅望子
smell / flavor:
Savory and spicy with a unique umami flavor.
味道 / 口味:
umami (源自日語「旨味 / 旨み」) 意為「鮮味」
Umami (鮮味) is one of the five basic tastes, alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. It is often described as a savory (鹹味) or meaty flavor (肉味) that enhances the taste of food. The term "umami" comes from the Japanese word meaning "pleasant savory taste (令人愉快的鮮美味道)." This flavor is primarily associated with foods that contain high levels of glutamate (谷氨酸), such as meat, cheese, tomatoes, and soy sauce. Umami is recognized for its ability to make dishes taste richer (濃郁) and more complex (複雜 / 有層次).
A combination of lemonade, lime cordial, and a few drops of Angostura bitters. It is popular in Australia and often served as a refreshing accompaniment to light meals and snacks.
Lime cordial (萊姆糖漿) refers to a non-alcoholic concentrated (濃縮的) syrup (糖漿) made from lime juice (萊姆汁), sugar, and water, which is then diluted (稀釋) with water or other beverages before consumption (飲用).
Angostura bitters (安格仕苦精) is a concentrated bitter tonic (苦味藥酒) and flavoring made from a blend of herbs and spices, with a base (基底) of alcohol. It was created in the early 19th century by Dr. Johann Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert, a German doctor in the town of Angostura (now Ciudad Bolívar) in Venezuela (委內瑞拉). Originally developed as a medicinal tonic (藥用補品) to improve digestion (消化) and appetite (食慾), it is now commonly used in cocktails (雞尾酒) and cooking to enhance flavor (增強風味).
smell / flavor:
It has a refreshing, slightly bitter taste and is often considered a non-alcoholic mocktail, although it contains a minimal amount of alcohol.
味道 / 口味:
mocktail (無酒精調酒) is a non-alcoholic (不含酒精的) beverage that mimics (模仿) the style and presentation of a cocktail but without the alcohol. The term "mocktail" is a blend of "mock" (meaning imitation 仿製) and "cocktail." Mocktails are typically made using a combination of fruit juices, sodas, infused waters (蔬果風味水), and other non-alcoholic ingredients to create complex and flavorful (風味豐富的) drinks. They are popular alternatives for people who want the taste and experience of a cocktail without consuming (攝取) alcohol.
Carbonated water, lemon juice, sugar.
smell / flavor:
Sweet and tangy with a fizzy texture.
味道 / 口味:
Paeroa / paɪˈroə / 「派羅瓦」一詞源自毛利語,意為 long ridge (長脊)
Mugicha / 麦茶 / むぎちゃ
A tea-like drink made by infusing roasted barley grains in water.
smell / flavor:
It has a nutty, toasty flavor without any bitterness and is caffeine-free.
味道 / 口味:
Omija Tea / 오미자차
Made from dried magnolia berries and honey. It is valued not only for its unique taste but also for its health benefits, such as boosting wellness and balancing energy levels.
smell / flavor:
This tea has a complex flavor profile that includes sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent tastes.
味道 / 口味:
Rayson 總結一下這六種不同的異國夏季飲料,分別是:
1. Pimm's Cup (United Kingdom) 皮姆之杯 (英國)2. Caesar (Canada) 凱撒雞尾酒 (加拿大)
3. Lemon, Lime, and Bitters (LLB for short) (Australia)
檸檬萊姆苦精 (縮寫為 LLB) (澳洲)
4. Lemon & Paeroa (L&P) (New Zealand)
檸檬帕羅阿汽水 (紐西蘭)
5. Mugicha / 麦茶 / むぎちゃ (Japan) 麥茶 (日本)
6. Omija Tea / 오미자차 (South Korea) 五味子茶 (韓國)
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