KYC Fee? 接案者要小心的匯款詐騙

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The reason I'm writing this article is not only because it's my personal experience, but also because there aren't many Chinese articles describing this type of scam. Therefore, I've decided to be a pioneer—or a dupe, I should say—getting scammed first, so that I can share my experience with freelancers and translators. For the record, I wasn’t cheated out of any money! I also hope this article can help others avoid being scammed.


Recently, there have been lots of freelancer and translation communities on social media, and I happened to see a post in one of them. The typical tactic was this: a seemingly fake account posted to seek translators for various languages without revealing too much detail, asking anyone interested to DM them. Before this, I already had the impression that cases on these pages were mostly a mix of real and fake. Even if it were real, it would probably just be some dirty work.


I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I DM'd that account anyway. This lady first asked some basic questions like what languages I spoke and where I was based. Then she sent me a Telegram account, supposedly belonging to the project owner, and told me that person was in charge, so I should contact her instead. At this point, we were one step closer to internet fraud, but out of curiosity, I contacted the so-called project owner


The profile photo of the project owner was a mom with her children—a perfect fit for a scammer’s photo. In the beginning, she asked me to introduce myself, talk about my work experience, and the languages I was comfortable with. Then she got down to business, saying she had a file for me to translate. After reviewing the file, I told her I needed a week. She immediately replied that the deadline was exactly a week later and that if I could finish the job within a week, I would be paid $2800. Terrific! The price was just too good to be true, given that it was only a 13-page document. Although I didn’t know the usual rate for such a task, her offer was simply beyond my imagination. At that moment, I was convinced she was a scammer, but what was she trying to get from me?


So, I asked her to pay a $200 deposit before I took the job, but of course, she refused, saying she could totally understand my request, but she had her reasons for not being able to do so. This made her seem even more like a scammer. She offered me $2800 but couldn't even afford a $200 deposit?


Anyway, I still sent the file back in a couple of days. I thought I had no other things to do in the morning, so even though I knew it was a scam, I still took it as an opportunity to practice translation. After receiving the file, she told me she needed some time to check it. –That'll be the day.– A few moments later, she replied that I did a great job and she needed my Paypal account to transfer the money to me. I gave her my Paypal page, but she insisted that she needed the "Paypal address." It's weird becasue Paypal is linked to my email, which is all you need to transfer money. There's no such "address" as far as I know.


She explained that she used Revolut to wire money, so she needed the address. Then, somehow, she sent back a suspicious screenshot, showing the transfer was completed—$2800 to my PayPal account. The interface of that app was simply weird and inauthentic, not to mention the fact that PayPal likely wouldn't even accept transfers through that app. Anyway, I didn't expect her transfer in the first place because it was a scam!

所以過了一天我都沒理她,後來她竟然還主動回來問我收到了嗎?我心想見鬼了,你就是詐騙我怎麼會收到,當然是沒有啊,我Paypal裡空得跟黑洞一樣!她這時的語氣還有些惱怒,問說我怎麼沒跟她,這下她得要去找銀行經理理論了(當時是假日,哪家銀行服務這麼好?),總之又過了半天,(她中間還說有時差,她要去睡覺,真的是演全套的)她說銀行經理表示,銀行那邊要收取一筆200鎂的KYC fee,否則這筆錢會進到一個loss account,永遠無法回收,唯一的辦法就是收款人付錢給銀行,才能取回2800鎂,她說她也沒碰過這種情形,而且重點來了,銀行說他們只收USDT,哇靠!你這銀行還真先進啊,拿虛擬貨幣當手續費收。

I didn't reply to her for a day. To my surprise, she got back to me asking if I had received the money. What the heck! How could I have received the money if you’re a scammer? My PayPal balance was empty as a black hole. At this point, she sounded clearly annoyed, asking why I hadn’t told her earlier. Now she would have to argue with her bank manager. –It was a holiday. Which bank offers such wonderful service?– Half a day passed. —She even claimed there was a time difference, so she had to sleep.— Then she came back to me saying that the bank was charging a $200 KYC fee, otherwise the money would go into a loss account forever. The only way to solve this would be for the recipient to pay the fee. She tried to sound innocent by saying this was something she had never encountered before. But here’s the weirdest part: the bank said they only accept USDT! What an avant-garde bank that only accepts crypto!


Now I believe you all understand her tactics. No bank will ask for a KYC fee from recipients, let alone a $200 fee paid in crypto. Now I realized that these scammers rely on the so-called "KYC fee" they scam from translators. What a bad business! These scammers spent days with me for just $200? I didn't remember scamming being such a bad business. I wonder what country they are from.



But since she showed so much sincerity, I thought I'd be better off revealing her ruse.


Or actually I should’ve just played along a bit longer, preventing her from scamming others.


There are actually a lot of discussions in English about this type of scam, but not much information is available in Chinese. So, I hope this article can help Chinese readers. And finally, let’s all remember: "scammers go to hell!"


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