每日英語 #148: A Pretty Penny 一便士

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A Pretty Penny 一便士

A penny is, in American “currency” (money), the smallest possible amount (equal to 1/100 of a dollar). Since 1909, it has had the “image” (picture) of President Abraham Lincoln on it and is sometimes referred to as the “Lincoln penny.”


There are many expressions using the word “penny.” One of the most popular is “a pretty penny,” which means a lot of money or expensive. You might say: “That car cost him a pretty penny!”

有許多與“便士”相關的表達。其中最流行的一個是“a pretty penny”,意思是很多錢或昂貴。你可能會說:“那輛車花了他不少錢!”

The origin of the term is very old: In the year 1257, the English government “issued” (began to use) a gold coin that never became very popular. People didn’t like using it, and so the government stopped making them.


After that, it was quite rare to see this “attractive” (pretty) gold coin, so the coin became associated with something very valuable, something worth a lot of money. Somehow this got changed into a “penny” and became popular in the U.S.


Today, a penny is actually worth very little, so it’s a little strange that “a pretty penny” actually has the opposite meaning – something quite expensive!

如今,一便士實際上價值很小,所以“a pretty penny”這個短語的實際意思正好相反——指的是非常昂貴的東西!

There are actually several expressions related to the penny, including:


1. “A penny for your thoughts”: This expression is used to ask someone to tell you what they are thinking, especially if the person doesn’t seem to want to talk
“A penny for your thoughts”:這個表達用來詢問某人他在想什麼,特別是在對方看起來不願意說話的時候。**

2. “Penny pincher”: This is someone who is considered cheap or who never spends his or her money. “To pinch” here means to save, so a penny pincher is someone who saves even very small coins, like pennies.
“Penny pincher”:這指的是一個被認為吝嗇的人,從不花錢。“pinch”在這裡的意思是儲蓄,所以“penny pincher”就是連很小的硬幣,例如便士,也會儲蓄的人。

3. “To turn up like a bad penny”: This one is a little “old-fashioned” (not popular today), but you may still see it. “To turn up” means to arrive or appear unexpectedly. A bad penny refers to a bad or undesirable person who keeps returning even when they are not wanted.
“To turn up like a bad penny”:這個表達有點“過時”(今天不太流行),但你仍然可能見到。“Turn up”意思是意外地出現或到來。“Bad penny”指的是一個壞的或不受歡迎的人,這個人即使不被需要也總是出現。


  • 1. currency /ˈkɜːrənsi/ 貨幣
  • 2. image /ˈɪmɪdʒ/ 圖像
  • 3. issue /ˈɪʃuː/ 發行
  • 4. attractive /əˈtræktɪv/ 吸引人的
  • 5. valuable /ˈvæljʊəbl/ 有價值的
  • 6. pretty penny /ˈprɪti ˈpɛni/ 大量金錢
  • 7. penny pincher /ˈpɛni ˈpɪnʧər/ 吝嗇的人
  • 8. turn up /tɜːrn ʌp/ 出現
  • 9. bad penny /bæd ˈpɛni/ 壞人
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