"In the letter, it was written, 'Everything has two sides, just like the Moon Phase card game, where pairs can complement each other, or yin and yang can balance. If you follow the sequence and record the significant things, they all have paired meanings.'
She opened the box sent by the tin man, revealing a Polaroid 600 Job Pro instant camera. But because of its bulky size, carrying it around inevitably drew attention, so she kept it by her bedside as a kind of charm, still unsure of what to capture with it.
Yet, between the scorching days and the chilling nights, she did not turn into a deliciously crisp grilled fish; instead, she was left with long, enduring dreams."
打開一旁錫人送來的紙盒,裡面是一台Polaroid 600 Job Pro 600型拍立得相機。但由於它的體積實在太大,攜帶的時候不免令人側目,於是她只好當作護身符那樣的放在床頭上,一時半刻還沒想到要拍些什麼。
1026 她的CAMERA