📌 你知道嗎?水果不只可以吃,還能用來學英文!
英文裡有很多和水果相關的俚語,這些短語既生動又有趣,還能讓你的表達更加自然!今天,我們就來學習 10+ 個超實用的水果俚語,並搭配例句,幫助你在日常會話中輕鬆運用!
🍯 Feeling their oats(自信滿滿、得意洋洋)
📝 意思:形容某人感到特別自信、有活力,甚至有點得意忘形。這個表達來自馬吃了燕麥(oats)後變得精力充沛的現象。
✅ 例句:
- After winning the debate, Sarah was really feeling her oats.
(莎拉在辯論比賽獲勝後得意洋洋。) - He’s been feeling his oats ever since he got promoted.
🍏 A bad apple(害群之馬)
📝 意思:指一個人的行為不當,可能影響整個團體。
🔹 "One bad apple spoils the bunch."(一顆爛蘋果會壞了一籃子。)
✅ 例句:
- Our team is great, but there’s always one bad apple who causes trouble.
🍎 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree(有其父必有其子)
📝 意思:某人常常繼承父母的性格或行為。
✅ 例句:
- John is a great musician, just like his father. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
🍌 Go bananas(變得瘋狂、興奮或失控)
📝 意思:形容某人因為太興奮或生氣而變得失控。
✅ 例句(正面):
- The crowd went bananas when the band played their biggest hit.
✅ 例句(負面):
- My mom went bananas when she saw my bad grades.
🍌 Went a little bananas
- 如果加上 "a little",語氣變得較輕微,通常帶有幽默、誇張的語氣,不像 "go bananas" 那麼極端。
✅ 例句(輕微興奮):
- The kids went a little bananas when they saw the cake.
(孩子們看到蛋糕時有點興奮過頭了。) - She went a little bananas at the sale and bought way too many clothes.
✅ 例句(輕微生氣):
- My dad went a little bananas when he saw my messy room.
(我爸看到我亂七八糟的房間時,有點生氣。) - I went a little bananas when my favorite show got canceled.
👉 重點:「Went a little bananas」語氣較輕,帶點戲謔或幽默感,適用於不太嚴重的情緒波動,像是「有點激動」、「有點抓狂」,但不是徹底失控。
🍒 Cherry on top(錦上添花)
📝 意思:指某件已經很棒的事情,還有額外的好處或驚喜。
✅ 例句:
- The vacation was amazing, and the free upgrade to a suite was the cherry on top.
🍏🍊 Comparing apples and oranges(拿兩個完全不同的事物比較)
📝 意思:形容不合理或無法比較的事物。
✅ 例句:
- You can’t compare a tablet to a laptop—it’s like comparing apples and oranges.
🍑 Peachy(美好、很棒、完美)
📝 意思:形容狀況很好,通常帶點幽默或諷刺意味。
✅ 例句:
- Everything is just peachy today!
(今天一切都超棒!) - Oh great, my car broke down again. Just peachy.(喔,太好了,我的車又壞了,真是完美。)[帶有諷刺意味]
🍇 Sour grapes(吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸)
📝 意思:形容某人因為得不到某樣東西,故意貶低它。
✅ 例句:
- She said she never wanted the promotion anyway, but that sounds like sour grapes to me.
🍑 A plum job(輕鬆又待遇好的工作)
📝 意思:形容一個待遇好、條件優渥的工作。
✅ 例句:
- He landed a plum job at a top tech company.
🥧 Easy as pie(非常簡單)
📝 意思:形容某件事非常容易做到。
✅ 例句:
- Don’t worry about the test, it’s easy as pie.
To spill the beans(洩漏秘密)
📝 意思:不小心說出不該說的秘密。
✅ 例句:
- She accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.
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