灰色的天空 吞噬了光 腳步聲回響在空蕩的街上 世間的嘲笑 化作泥土 我們卻用沉默 築起防護 風再狂 沙再亂 冷眼穿過你所有的謊 嘴角微揚 不屑再講 我們的沉默 是最響的槍 沉默 是一種對抗 無須嘶吼 也無需張揚 世界吶喊 我們靜默猖狂 沉默 是最鋒利的壯膽 你贈予鎖鏈 我還以堅強 鎖不住的靈魂 無法衡量 承受的重量 全被放大 可是自我 是無可複製的亮 讓你笑 讓你罵 我自我 存在的價值不打折碼 破碎的碎片 重新組畫 沉默裡的信念 是最硬的甲 (The grey sky swallows the light, Footsteps echo on the empty street. The world's ridicule turns to dust, Yet we build our shield with silence. The wilder the wind, the rougher the sand, Cold eyes see through all your lies. A slight smile, no more words to speak, Our silence is the loudest gun. Silence is a form of resistance, No need to roar or show off. The world screams, we stay silently rampant, Silence is the sharpest courage. You give chains, I return strength, An unchained soul is immeasurable. The weight endured is magnified, But self is an irreplaceable brilliance. Let you laugh, let you scold, My existence is never undervalued. Broken fragments reassembled into art, The belief in silence is the hardest armor.)