A Father's Proud Cheer

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Would you dare stand up in front of nearly 330 people, raise a sign, and cheer loudly? I probably wouldn't, but one father did! On October 5, 2024, during Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Hsi Lai Temple's Winter Love Joy Scholarship Program awards ceremony, this proud father stood up, held up a sign, and cheered for his child who was on stage receiving an award.

The event, organized by FGS Hsi Lai Temple in partnership with the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Los Angeles Chapter, honored exceptional students from the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District (HLPUSD), as well as officers from the City of Industry Sheriff's Station, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Santa Fe Springs Area, and firefighters from Los Angeles Fire Department Station 91. Nearly 150 awardees were recognized in the temple's Main Shrine, with approximately 635 guests in attendance, including teachers, families, and friends. The ceremony was conducted in both English and Spanish and was live-streamed to the Auditorium and Conference Room, with around 330 people present in the Main Shrine.

I saw this father proudly holding up his sign in the Main Shrine, and I was deeply moved. But at that moment, I was busy verifying guest titles and names, my hands—and my mind—completely occupied. I couldn't capture the moment with a photo, but silently prayed, “Please, let someone have caught this beautiful moment on camera!”

I hadn't even asked for the photo, but to my surprise, Echo Tsai, Vice President of the BLIA Los Angeles Chapter at the time, unexpectedly sent me the photo. When I saw it, I was overwhelmed with both joy and surprise! The father's face was glowing with pride, as if he might burst into tears at any moment—or was it me who was about to cry from being so deeply moved?I truly believe the Buddha heard my silent prayer and made my wishes come true!

I am incredibly grateful to Alex Kuo, a kind-hearted Fo Guang member of Hacienda Heights Subchapter, who captured this moment.

After the ceremony, I saw many families in the courtyard asking the Fo Guang members to take their photos. One mother and son asked me to take theirs and told me it was a day they would never forget. They were incredibly happy.

All the hard work put in by the Fo Guang members deserves a round of applause. I knew that even though many of them were utterly exhausted, the smiles on the students' faces made all their efforts worthwhile.

In his opening remarks, Venerable Hui Dong, the Abbot, highlighted the deep meaning of the word “Love” in the event's title. He emphasized that “Love” comes from inner peace and mutual respect, which is especially important in a world full of turmoil. I really loved that part of his speech.

And how could I forget the “Joy” of the day! The magic show had me completely amazed. In just 10 seconds, I was completely captivated—how did that dove appear out of nowhere? I was watching with wide eyes and clapping excitedly, so much so that the person next to me turned and chuckled, “This is for the kids, why are you so excited?” Haha!

October 5 was truly a day filled with love and joy! In this piece, I want to honor the heartfelt emotions I experienced and pay tribute to all the Fo Guang members who participated.



日前我買了樂透,中了 8 美金,堪稱有始以來我中的最大獎。扣除成本 5 美金,實賺 3 美金,但我仍然樂不可支地在臉書炫耀,還特地用 LINE 分享給不用臉書的朋友們——獨樂樂不如眾樂樂! 朋友 A 的回應讓我覺得有趣,A說:「我從不買樂透,我不喜歡不勞而獲的財。再多的錢到時候一分錢也帶不走,還
On the evening of October 29,2024, William Steinmetz Park in Hacienda Heights hosted a "Trunk or Treat & Trick or Treat Village" event. Participants s
每次想起2022年在佛光西來學校開課日看到的這幾幕,我的心中便湧起一股暖流。 一聲聲稚嫩的「師父吉祥!」此起彼落,佛光西來學校執行長滿兆法師,滿臉笑容地回應 :「吉祥!走路專心喔!」滿兆法師從集合處籃球場一路護送小朋友們進教室,有位小朋友說:「我很棒喔!」滿兆法師對他比了個大大的「讚」。 在走廊
在3月1日,我參加了佛光山西來寺義工感恩聯誼,我很喜歡以下這些話。 佛光山開山祖師星雲大師影片開示:「義是無窮無盡,利是有窮有盡的,人生有義就有價值。」「義」工和「志」工的不同,有「志」於什麼事,做的不一定是好事,而心懷仁「義」為人服務,那必定是好事。佛門的義工,就如千手千眼的菩薩,為他人奉獻,故
因為想做泡菜,所以買了一小盤辣椒,目測在盤裡的青辣椒約40根,夾雜幾根紅的,我心裡叨念:「這一盤必定又會像以前一樣,絕大部分吃不完,然後在冷凍庫冰到爛。」但這已經架上最少根數的一盤了。 回到家,我沒有像往常把辣椒放進冷藏,而是隨手把它放在桌上,因為工作忙,還沒機會醃泡菜,但趁著辣椒新鮮,有機會就配
My work is launching a new system on March 8, and all of us have gone through intensive training—adding a certain level of stress to everyone. Yesterd
日前我買了樂透,中了 8 美金,堪稱有始以來我中的最大獎。扣除成本 5 美金,實賺 3 美金,但我仍然樂不可支地在臉書炫耀,還特地用 LINE 分享給不用臉書的朋友們——獨樂樂不如眾樂樂! 朋友 A 的回應讓我覺得有趣,A說:「我從不買樂透,我不喜歡不勞而獲的財。再多的錢到時候一分錢也帶不走,還
On the evening of October 29,2024, William Steinmetz Park in Hacienda Heights hosted a "Trunk or Treat & Trick or Treat Village" event. Participants s
每次想起2022年在佛光西來學校開課日看到的這幾幕,我的心中便湧起一股暖流。 一聲聲稚嫩的「師父吉祥!」此起彼落,佛光西來學校執行長滿兆法師,滿臉笑容地回應 :「吉祥!走路專心喔!」滿兆法師從集合處籃球場一路護送小朋友們進教室,有位小朋友說:「我很棒喔!」滿兆法師對他比了個大大的「讚」。 在走廊
在3月1日,我參加了佛光山西來寺義工感恩聯誼,我很喜歡以下這些話。 佛光山開山祖師星雲大師影片開示:「義是無窮無盡,利是有窮有盡的,人生有義就有價值。」「義」工和「志」工的不同,有「志」於什麼事,做的不一定是好事,而心懷仁「義」為人服務,那必定是好事。佛門的義工,就如千手千眼的菩薩,為他人奉獻,故
因為想做泡菜,所以買了一小盤辣椒,目測在盤裡的青辣椒約40根,夾雜幾根紅的,我心裡叨念:「這一盤必定又會像以前一樣,絕大部分吃不完,然後在冷凍庫冰到爛。」但這已經架上最少根數的一盤了。 回到家,我沒有像往常把辣椒放進冷藏,而是隨手把它放在桌上,因為工作忙,還沒機會醃泡菜,但趁著辣椒新鮮,有機會就配
My work is launching a new system on March 8, and all of us have gone through intensive training—adding a certain level of stress to everyone. Yesterd
Google News 追蹤
晚了幾天,我家在今天吃爸爸節 選擇就近光顧時時香,一桌熱鬧 上週,在阿嬤家,家族聚會 一群不好意思被慶祝的爸爸們 哈哈哈 不管如何,挺爸快樂!
巍峨身影高,撐起一片天,嚴厲之目光,藏著溫柔心。 風雨兼程趕,不曾言倦怠,默默永付出,無怨又無悔。 父教我做人,道理辯分明,鼓勵我追夢,展翅高飛去。 恩如山厚愛,深沉無言對,父親節到來,真誠感謝您。
⛰️ 父親是高山,給予我們依靠與支持💡 父親是燈塔,照亮我們向前的道路。讓我們以孝順之心,感謝父親的陪伴,以及父親無私的愛 🥰
慈悲 龍德上師開示:「父母恩重難報,為人子女者宜盡力報效親恩。」父親一生為子女犧牲奉獻,不怕勞苦地為我們遮風擋雨,將我們養育成人。父親傾盡所有,為我們換來安心成長的避風港,而今,我們學佛修行,方知父母恩重,亦深知老之將死。面對死亡的恐懼感,唯有以佛法利益他們,才能真報恩。
20240404 因爸媽健康狀況的關係,今年的清明節祭祖是我有記憶以來第一次父親缺席。一早在趕往老家的路上,忽然接到媽媽的來電,頓時之間心臟漏了兩拍。
阿爸親象山 2023年12月18日老爸走了
晚了幾天,我家在今天吃爸爸節 選擇就近光顧時時香,一桌熱鬧 上週,在阿嬤家,家族聚會 一群不好意思被慶祝的爸爸們 哈哈哈 不管如何,挺爸快樂!
巍峨身影高,撐起一片天,嚴厲之目光,藏著溫柔心。 風雨兼程趕,不曾言倦怠,默默永付出,無怨又無悔。 父教我做人,道理辯分明,鼓勵我追夢,展翅高飛去。 恩如山厚愛,深沉無言對,父親節到來,真誠感謝您。
⛰️ 父親是高山,給予我們依靠與支持💡 父親是燈塔,照亮我們向前的道路。讓我們以孝順之心,感謝父親的陪伴,以及父親無私的愛 🥰
慈悲 龍德上師開示:「父母恩重難報,為人子女者宜盡力報效親恩。」父親一生為子女犧牲奉獻,不怕勞苦地為我們遮風擋雨,將我們養育成人。父親傾盡所有,為我們換來安心成長的避風港,而今,我們學佛修行,方知父母恩重,亦深知老之將死。面對死亡的恐懼感,唯有以佛法利益他們,才能真報恩。
20240404 因爸媽健康狀況的關係,今年的清明節祭祖是我有記憶以來第一次父親缺席。一早在趕往老家的路上,忽然接到媽媽的來電,頓時之間心臟漏了兩拍。
阿爸親象山 2023年12月18日老爸走了