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SpaceX’s Starship explodes in latest launch setback for Elon Musk
發稿日期7 Mar 2025
Aviation regulator diverts flights from four airports in Florida to avoid falling debris.
SpaceX’s Starship has exploded shortly after takeoff in the second launch failure this year for Elon Musk’s interplanetary exploration programme.
① explode (verb) - 爆炸
The negotiations ※exploded into a heated argument ※when the union representatives refused to compromise on salary demands. (談判在工會代表拒絕在薪資要求上妥協時※爆發成激烈的爭論※。)
②launch (noun) - 發射;推出
※The launch of the new vaccine※ was postponed due to emerging concerns about potential side effects. (由於對潛在副作用的新擔憂,這種※新疫苗的推出※被推遲。)
② setback (noun) - 挫折;阻礙
Facing yet another ※financial setback※, the company was forced to reconsider its expansion strategy. (面臨又一次※財務困難※,該公司被迫重新考慮其擴張戰略。)
③ aviation (noun) - 航空
Recent technological advancements in aviation have led to more fuel-efficient aircraft designs. (※航空領域※的最新技術進步導致了更多節能的飛機設計。)
⑤regulator (noun) - 監管機構
※The financial regulator※ imposed substantial fines on banks that failed to comply with the new anti-money laundering regulations. (※金融監管機構※對未能遵守新反洗錢法規的銀行處以大額罰款。)
⑥divert (verb) - 改道;轉移
The airline had to ※divert several flights※ due to the unexpected volcanic eruption. (由於意外的火山爆發,該航空公司不得不※改道幾個航班※。)
⑦debris (noun) - 碎片;殘骸
Rescue teams struggled to sift through ※the debris※ in search of survivors following the earthquake. (救援隊伍努力在地震後搜尋倖存者時篩選※碎片※。)
⑧shortly (adverb) - 不久;很快
The CEO announced that a press conference would ※be held shortly※ to address the allegations against the company. (首席執行官宣布,將很快舉行新聞發布會,以回應針對公司的指控。)
⑨takeoff (noun) - 起飛
The pilot had to ※abort the takeoff※ due to a critical warning from the control tower. (由於控制塔的關鍵警告,飛行員不得不※中止起飛※。)
⑩interplanetary (adjective) - 星際的
The symposium featured extensive discussions on the logistics and ethical implications of interplanetary colonization. (該研討會包含了有關星際殖民的物流和倫理影響的廣泛討論。)