2017-12-31|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

45. Vipin對念書的想法

    那天天我在Manali閒晃,照慣例的在對岸山坡上Old Manali的一間German Bakery 點了杯拿鐵與巧克力球度過上午,下午我沿著山坡往上走,拐進一條地圖上沒顯示的步道,一直沿著河岸走,走了七、八百公尺後被一叢又一叢帶有刺的植物擋住了去路,於是我回頭走,牧牛的人剛把牛群從山坡上趕下來,旁邊的大石頭上坐著一位年輕男孩,他是Vipin,一位當地的高中生,我昨天坐在門口喝著拿鐵的那間English Bakery是他父親開的,後來有一晚在他父親的店前相遇,他騎著機車載我回hostel,讓我不用走著1公里多的漆黑山路回去。






    India is a place where we believe that there are like more than thousand s of gods. India is a good country but a lot of corruption, discrimination. India has a good nature at the other side dust, pollution, and most people throw garbage in roads, river etc instead of throwing it into the garbage but now  it is developing so people are getting advance. I love India, India is amazing, still living in superstitious. Someone says there is some black magic and everybody would believe and do the same, we are taught wrong, when we are small like caste system which is still in some places of India. And the most boring thing I find is that our parents thing we just have to study and in my opinion study doesn't mean anything to you. If you wanna become something else in which there is on interference of study, so there is no way to study . Study is good in a limit but every parents in India wants everybody to study(most probably). India is a god country.



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