2019-11-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

Angela's Box

    5/09/2019Melbourne, AustraliaDear Yiling,I’m glad we’re almost over the cold and dampness of winter but the whole family got the last kick before it’s really gone - we all got a cold!!Surrounded by the coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes it made me had a second thought... maybe it’s “hayfever” from all the new grass and spring flowers blooming happily under the clear blue sky at the moment??Anyway, productivity had been quite low with two unwell kids to look after. I finally got some time to make my special orange box since last weekend.While the boys playing lego on one side of the room, I sat by their miniature table and thinking I might break the tiny chair I was sitting on.... It was kind of soothing doing this in repartition - painting layers after layers of colours onto the cartoon box.One of my little helper assisted me with the metallic dots and then lastly, a leaf from our garden and a piece of origami shell as the final touch.Can’t wait to see your box!!Take care,Angela xx
    5/09/2019 Melbourne, Australia Dear Yiling, I’m glad we’re almost over the cold and dampness of winter but the whole family got the last kick before it’s really gone - we all got a cold!! Surrounded by the coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes it made me had a second thought... maybe it’s “hayfever” from all the new grass and spring flowers blooming happily under the clear blue sky at the moment?? Anyway, productivity had been quite low with two unwell kids to look after. I finally got some time to make my special orange box since last weekend. While the boys playing lego on one side of the room, I sat by their miniature table and thinking I might break the tiny chair I was sitting on.... It was kind of soothing doing this in repartition - painting layers after layers of colours onto the cartoon box. One of my little helper assisted me with the metallic dots and then lastly, a leaf from our garden and a piece of origami shell as the final touch. Can’t wait to see your box!! Take care, Angela xx
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