2019-12-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

January 21

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
Start the day by giving thanks. Realise that you are mightily blessed and that My blessings are being poured down upon you all the time. It does not matter how ungrateful you were yesterday; what matters is what your attitude is now. Leave the past behind. Do not waste time concentrating on your past mistakes; simply learn from them and then move on and enjoy life, giving constant thanks for everything. When you are grateful and you appreciate all the good things in life, love flows freely in and through you. It is when you fail to give thanks and to appreciate all My good and perfect gifts that you grow dry and brittle. You become self-concerned and cease to care for your fellow human being. The quickest way to change this wrong attitude is to start thinking for others and to start living and giving to the whole. You will find the self and self-concern will melt into the background and become as nothing. Why not do it now?
每天給自己 5~10 分鐘的時間,安靜下來,傾聽自己內在的聲音。沈澱、整理自己的生命,也會發現,可以增進自己與上天的聯結。讓我們一起來發現 Opening Doors Within ^_^
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