更新於 2020/01/05閱讀時間約 12 分鐘

AI 危害! 細數近年邪惡AI

人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)至今也有了不少發展,從AlphaGo在圍棋界的一戰成名開始,在許多領域中AI也不負眾望取得輝煌戰果,但這位超級英雄是否有黑暗邪惡的一面呢?而當這位機械英雄壞起來成為邪惡魔王,我們人類能否有足夠的力量抵抗呢?
此技術可將已有的圖像或影片疊加至目標圖像或影片上,並透過AI技術來調整表情姿態與模擬嘴唇動作,這技術通常使用稱為自動編碼器和生成對抗網絡(GAN)的機器學習技術 。
除了色情以外,政治上也是有相當大的使用範圍,Ai.pictures是由Chi Kiu SO創辦的頻道,內容是在專門模擬中國領袖形象發言,當然影片中都是有註明內容非習主席所說,但是能夠使用中國領袖的形象來發表政治意象相反的言論,且影像完成度極高,乍看下真假難辨,這依然是令人恐慌的應用方式,我們網路閱聽人是否已經有接招的準備?
假新聞生成器 https://talktotransformer.com/
假新聞生成器 https://talktotransformer.com/

句子: China says it will take military action to resolve Hong Kong
產生假新聞:China says it will take military action tomorrow to resolve Hong Kong issue, Hong Kong police say. China condemns accusations of anti-China incitement in Hong Kong over poll calling for British to go. Six other pro-democracy lawmakers and activists have been arrested since Saturday on charges of "illegal gathering".Pro-democracy lawmakers and activists have been barred from entering the territory. Hong Kong law prohibits elections in the former British colony.


句子: China says tomorrow will allow Hong Kong independence
產生假新聞:China says tomorrow will allow Hong Kong independence. The government has never been explicit that it wants Hong Kong to return to China, but that is what Hong Kongers now hope. That wish is what sets Hong Kong apart from mainland China. A fully integrated economy, a border with the mainland, and complete democracy would also serve as a benchmark for the other parts of China, which can only emulate Hong Kong's pragmatic ways. Lessons from Mainland China. On the mainland, what is consistent is resistance to rapid change—the political blocks and political roles that have existed for

句子: Taiwan will conquer the universe

產生假新聞1:Taiwan will conquer the universe with China next to it. By then we will have settled the conflict between the Chinese and the Asians. There will be no question of peace. This is certainly an approach that is consistent with the world view of the United States. The major argument in the American mind has always been that the Chinese have already conquered the world and that there will be no conflict. To show that this is not the case, the Chinese government recently released some very generous statistics showing that the vast majority of mainland Chinese have income higher than the average Japanese and Swiss.
Google翻譯1:台灣將與它相鄰的中國征服宇宙。屆時,我們將解決中國人與亞洲人之間的衝突。不會有和平的問題。 當然,這是與美國的世界觀相一致的一種做法。美國思想上的主要論點一直是:中國人已經征服了世界,不會發生衝突。為了證明事實並非如此,中國政府最近發布了一些非常慷慨的統計數據,顯示絕大多數中國大陸人的收入都高於日本和瑞士的平均水平。

產生假新聞2:Taiwan will conquer the universe by 2020, according to Taiwan-based state broadcaster China Central Television. The State Council's Bureau of Industry and Information Technology last month approved development plans for a next-generation rocket for space travel, the China Aeronautics Corporation said in a statement. "Chinese scientists have developed the main components, and they can now advance the process of building the rocket," the statement said. Away from the target of an unmanned test of the Chang'e 3-1B rocket in 2018, China is also continuing development work on the Chang
Google翻譯2:據台灣國家廣播公司中央電視台稱,台灣將在2020年之前征服宇宙。 中國航空工業總公司在一份聲明中說,國務院工業和信息化局上個月批准了下一代太空旅行火箭的發展計劃。 聲明說:“中國科學家已經開發出主要部件,現在他們可以推進火箭的製造過程。” 除了在2018年對the娥3-1B火箭進行無人駕駛測試的目標之外,中國還在繼續進行Chang

產生假新聞3:Taiwan will conquer the universe on July 1 and become a superpower. The declaration came in a formal statement by the State Council, Taiwan's cabinet. This of course has been a topic of national debate and speculation ever since Tsai Ing-wen, the official woman leader of the administration, told her citizens to stay calm and carry on. Degree of Understanding [ edit ] Unlike previous attempts at unification with mainland China, this appears to have worked rather well. The United States has not had a diplomatic relationship with Taiwan since the United States lost control of
Google翻譯3:台灣將於7月1日征服宇宙,成為一個超級大國。 這項聲明是國務院,台灣內閣發表的正式聲明。自從政府的官方女領導人蔡英文問她的公民保持鎮定並繼續前進以來,這當然一直是全國辯論和猜測的話題。 理解度[編輯] 與先前與中國大陸統一的嘗試不同,這似乎效果很好。 自從美國失去對台灣的控制以來,美國就沒有與台灣建立外交關係。

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