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如何駕馭小提琴演奏 - 姚阿幸

A Lamplight Stu
A Lamplight Stu
dy: Herr Joachim, George Frederick Watts, 1868
Szeretettel! 匈牙利語:來自姚阿幸的愛 Berlin, November 20th, 1904
Listen carefully when practising so that not a single note should pass by unnoticed. Be your own teacher! 練習時請仔細聽,沒有一個音符應該被忽視。 做自己的老師!
In changing positions, do not slide with the fingers on the string so that it howls and mews. 在變換把位時,請勿用手指在弦上滑動,以免其像哀號或馬叫。
Do not lift your fingers too high, but even in the most rapid runs make them fall firmly on to the strings. 不要將手指抬得太高,但即使在最快速的運行中,也要使它們牢牢地落在琴弦上。
Break yourself of the habit of an overdone Vibrato and the slow wobbling of the fingers in Cantabile passages - it is really a result of weakness in the fingers, and reminds one of the lamentations of old women. 擺脫抖音過大的習慣,還有,在如歌的樂段 (Cantabile) 中緩慢搖動手指 - 這實際上是手指無力的結果,讓人聯想到老年女性的一種悲訴。
Only use the Vibrato when you wish to lay particular stress on a note, which your feeling will suggest. 僅在想要布置特別強調的音符時,才使用抖音,你的感受將會提示你。
Be striet in regard to the intonation; you have a good ear - use it! 對音準要嚴格看待; 您的耳朵很好 - 請使用它!
Loud playing and quick playing alone cannot do it; at most, it only dazzles the ignorant in the audience. All depends upon beautiful playing and distinct playing. 大聲和快速地演奏是無法駕馭小提琴的; 最多只能達到對無知聽眾眼花撩亂的效果。 一切都取決於美麗的和獨特的演奏之上。
As a souvenir of your friend, JOSEPH JOACHIM 當作一個朋友的紀念品,姚阿幸
此信由姚阿幸為他的匈牙利學生維西 (Franz von Vecsey) 所寫,後來維西也成為著名小提琴家,為人熟知的西貝流士小提琴協奏曲即是獻給維西。
最後,分享維西的小提琴作品,悲傷圓舞曲 (Valse Trise),創作於西貝流士的同名作品後第 10 年:1913
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