TVP Overview and Audit Requirements

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Since the Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz”) was announced, FastLane has been very busy helping people with their applications. Unfortunately, we noticed that many applicants have not been able to receive full funding support under D-Biz, and are also not taking advantage of the various other funding schemes offered by the Hong Kong government, such as the Technology and Voucher Programme (“TVP”). In this article, we look to explain what TVP is, and what you must know when applying for it.
1. What is TVP?
TVP is a Hong Kong government programme designed to help subsidise local entities (except listed enterprises) improve their long-term competitiveness. This programme aims to do so via financing use of technological services and solutions to improve applicants productivity, upgrade or transform their business processes.
2. What are the eligibility requirements under TVP?
Applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
  • Has been registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); or
  • Is incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or
  • Was established in Hong Kong by relevant ordinances as statutory bodies; and
  • Is not a listed company in Hong Kong, and is not a government organisation or subsidiary of such; and
  • Has substantive business operations in Hong Kong at the time of application
3. What is TVP’s funding scope?
TVP is applicable to any project that emphasizes technological services and solutions which improve productivity, or upgrades or transforms a business’ processes. For instance, appointment scheduling systems, cloud-based accounting solutions or even point of sales systems are allowable solutions under TVP’s funding scope.

When applying under TVP, applicants must be able to demonstrate that their project deliverables will have a direct impact on their Hong Kong business operations by providing a breakdown of their project costs. The following costs can be covered:

  • Technology consultancy whereby the applicant engages an external consultant to recommend technological services / solutions to be adopted
  • Purchase, rental or subscription of off-the-shelf / readily available equipment / hardware, software and technological services or solutions that form an essential part of the project
  • Project auditing for projects with approved funding exceeding HKD 50,000

Unfortunately, normal business operating costs cannot be funded under TVP. Such costs include:

  • Rental of office premises
  • Staff salary and other related expenses
  • General office equipment / hardware, software and technological services or solutions for normal business operations
  • Maintenance, warranty and insurance of existing and newly purchased equipment
  • Non-technology related professional service fees
  • Marketing and branding expenses
  • Transportation and accommodation
  • Financing expenses
  • Administrative overhead
4. What is the length of a TVP project and how much funding can one receive?
If approved, TVP applicants are eligible to receive up to HKD 600,000 in funding, provided on a 3:1 matching basis. TVP applicants must contribute an initial payment of at least 25% of the total approved project cost in cash. Upon completion of the project, applicants must submit a final project report which details the outcome and expenses incurred in relation to this project. If this final report is accepted, the Hong Kong government will make a final payment to the applicant.

It is important to recognize that while up to 6 projects can be approved (subject to a cumulative ceiling of HKD 600,000), applicants are not allowed to undertake more than 1 TVP project at a time. In addition, each project should be completed within 12 months, unless an exception has been granted.
5. What are the TVP application procedures?
Unlike D-Biz, TVP accepts applications throughout the year with interested parties able to submit their applications online.

It is common that the TVP assessors may request applicants for further information to support their application. In these situations, if an applicant has not provided further information within 1 month of the assessor’s request, their application will be rejected.

Please note that the actual processing time of an application varies, as it is dependent on the amount of applications received, the complexity of each application, and the comprehensiveness of the information provided.

6. How are TVP applications assessed?
Each eligible application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, on its individual merits. Assessors will inspect each application to determine:
  • The relevance of the proposed project to the applicants business
  • The reasonableness of the budget
  • The reasonableness of the implementation details
  • Whether any consultants and/or service providers to be engaged have an adverse record against them
7. What are the auditing and monitoring requirements under TVP?
To make sure that the approved funds for a TVP project are used properly, applicants must provide an audited statement of income and expenditure if they are approved for funding of HKD 50,000 or more.

Applicants must engage an independent, Hong Kong certified public accountant (“CPA”) in the audit of these financial statements. As a result of the audit, auditors are expected to produce an audit report whereby they will express their audit opinion on whether the applicant has complied with the terms and conditions of their TVP funding agreement. They are also required to disclose any material non-compliance that was identified.

If an applicant fails to comply with these audit requirements, the assessors may decide to cease disbursement of any funding support. In such cases, the assessor can also request the applicant to return, and repay all funding received.
The FastLane Group is dedicated to helping SMEs in all aspects. Not only do we regularly provide updates and insights on the development that impact the Hong Kong SME community, we can also provide assistance in relation to Hong Kong government programmes.

As a Hong Kong CPA firm, FastLane is qualified to provide audit services in relation to your TVP obligations and can help you adopt various technology solutions that can improve your business functions. Please contact the FastLane Group for assistance!

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TVP申請 I 科技券申請 I TVP 科技券計劃 因為受疫情影響,很多中小企業都希望透過政府的資助計劃渡過難關。政府每個資助計劃都是有目的,如果「什麼都沒做就申請TVP 科技券計劃」,小心墜入觸犯串謀詐騙罪的陷阱。所以在申請政TVP 科技券計劃之前,先問一問自己以下三個問題。 一、你申請目的是
轉移自 LogDown 原文日期  July 30, 2014 19:36  Gogo Monkey Run Kevin, Gogolook monkey runner     - auto-testing tool     - python monkey recorder     - co
「自從我2008年上MotoGP到現在,騎乘技巧改變很多。賽車改變很多,我們能在賽車上施加的力量也變得很大,所有要維持身體狀況,否則在這45分鐘你沒辦法跑得更快。」─Andrea Dovizioso
華麗的下半場 是活生生血淋淋的真實下半場 情感很有連結 很不一樣 很喜歡 完勝六季上半場 對現在的階段而言 非常值得選修的一門課 And Just Like That...
我們的交換日記又開始了。。。 上一次我們一次寫日記應該是十五年前。 很難想像今年我就要踏進4字頭了,其實我的心還是在2字頭,偶然還會覺得自己是二十多歲,總是覺得自己還是有很多事情要學,人生有很多功課還要做。 Suk
TVP申請 I 科技券申請 I TVP 科技券計劃 我們這昨天已解答了科技券申請問題,今日再解答大家。 一、如果有關技術只有一間獨家供應商而找不到3間報價,應如何處理? TVP申請者必需詳細說明原因,例如證明有關技術是無可取代及必須的。 二、可以選擇較貴但更優質的TVP 科技券計劃供應商嗎? 政策採
TVP申請 I 科技券申請 I TVP 科技券計劃 我們這幾天都有提及科技券申請,應該解答了大家大部分的疑問,不過可能仍有部分一些問題是關於TVP 科技券計劃。今天我們再講解一下。 一、新公司可以申請TVP 科技券計劃嗎? 早前已取消運作一年的規定,理論上是可以的,但要證明公司有運作紀錄,一般建議
TVP申請 I 科技券申請 I TVP 科技券計劃 因為受疫情影響,很多中小企業都希望透過政府的資助計劃渡過難關。政府每個資助計劃都是有目的,如果「什麼都沒做就申請TVP 科技券計劃」,小心墜入觸犯串謀詐騙罪的陷阱。所以在申請政TVP 科技券計劃之前,先問一問自己以下三個問題。 一、你申請目的是
轉移自 LogDown 原文日期  July 30, 2014 19:36  Gogo Monkey Run Kevin, Gogolook monkey runner     - auto-testing tool     - python monkey recorder     - co
「自從我2008年上MotoGP到現在,騎乘技巧改變很多。賽車改變很多,我們能在賽車上施加的力量也變得很大,所有要維持身體狀況,否則在這45分鐘你沒辦法跑得更快。」─Andrea Dovizioso