更新於 2022/01/28閱讀時間約 33 分鐘

16. 豫 001000 雷地-震坤 (Quarter 1-14)

利建侯行師。-- 爲何象群奔騰動地,好像整隊行進的人群?牠們在尋找水源地,牠們在舞蹈、等待天空降雨。此時,為什麼我們不也建造一座大型的舞台來跳舞和祈雨呢?或是建造一艘飛箭般的空間移動載具,以便尋找另一處水源充足的新棲息地。..........................Why do elephants move fast unusually and shake lands seem like a large group of walking crowd?.......They are seeking fresh water on earth, they are dancing and waiting for the falling rain.............At this moment, why don't we construct a large stage above the ground for dancing and waiting, too?...........Or make an arrow like massive flying object or space gear to seek a new base land full with water........... 初六:鳴豫凶。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 飛鳥大聲的鳴叫、象群不安的徘徊,接著就聽到雷鳴的聲音。或許,天空就要降下暴雨、低窪地就要被大量的雨水填滿。這就是為什麼我們要在降雨前趕快在地上建造一座穩固高台的原因,一方面用來跳舞祈雨,一方面可以躲避水災。.................................Birds sound loudly......They are flying through the sky......Elephants are disquiet with moving forward and backward.......Then you hear thunders.........Maybe the big rain will fall down from the sky, and concave land will be fully filled with fresh water..........That's why we should construct or stack a stable stage or stadium with steps beyond the ground before dancing and waiting for the big falling rain with flood damage........... 六二:介于石,不終日,貞吉。/ 變卦雷水解 -- 然後,我們可以用塊狀的玉石作為祈雨的音響媒介器材,經由這些音響器材來傳達我們的心聲並且紓解內心的焦慮。在日落之前,天空可能就會降雨,低窪地將被雨水填滿。經過偵測,這可能是和天空中的水氣取得連繫的好方法,也是紓解缺水問題的好方法。..................................Then we can use jade or stone blocks to make some instruments,.......and via these instrumental tools, we can transmit our wish and release our anxiety..........Before sunset, we might see the rains fall down with thunder, and the concave land will become a lake...........After detecting, this is probably a good way to get the links with water in the sky and solve some problem of being lack of water........... 六三:盱豫悔,遲有悔。/ 變卦雷山小過 -- 看那些大象們!牠們徘徊走動如同舞台上來回奔跑的舞者......但是牠們的眼神逐漸呆滯、腳步蹣跚遲緩又無精打采,走起路來就好像生病又狂怒的犀牛。小心點!那個地方似乎有什麼事情不太對勁!但是,也許我們可以在那裡找到製作音響媒介器材的水晶石塊。...........................Look those elephants, they are moving forward and backward seem like dancers dancing on the stage,......but their eyes are gradually lackluster,......their steps are laggard and lackadaisical,......walk like sick and raging rhinoceros........Be careful! There might be something wrong!...........But maybe we can find the instrumental rhinestone or crystal block in there.................. 九四:由豫,大有得,勿疑,朋盍簪。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 大象是陸地上體型最大的動物,就像人類文明生活中最大的都市 - 大都會。經由觀察牠們的活動,也許我們可以學習到許多生存的智慧,並且找到一個可以毫不猶豫去投資或贊助的地點,那必定是一個充滿遠景、非常雄巍的舞台。...................................... The elephant is the largest animal on the ground, just like the largest city - metropolis - in humankind's civilization........From observing their activities, maybe we can learn something about getting a lot of survival wisdom,........and find a land above the ground without any doubt to invest.......That must be a very great stage with hopes......... 六五:貞疾,恆不死。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 有關病態的迅速偵測,須要有耐心、有恆心,還要細心注意表演節目的策畫和擬定,然後那雄巍的舞台將永遠不會死去,如同一處充滿潔淨水源的土地,擁有能力去培養眾多可以用來療癒和紓解的藥草。..............................About detecting the illness or sickness, we have to be patient..........Keep paying more attention to the programs of performances, ......then the great stage will be lively and never decease,.........just like a land full with fresh water and with the abilities to raise many kinds of plants for curing and releasing......... 上六:冥豫,成有渝,無咎。/ 變卦火地晉 -- 最後,有些表演被安排在夜晚或室內舉行。這些演出非常成功,也非常前衛,甚至逾越了一般的水準,富含各種象徵和暗示,如同睡夢中的美夢或惡夢。這是相當自然而且無須驚訝的,因為這些演出非常精彩,就像燃燒的太陽或是超級巨星從地平線冉冉升起,逐漸引領觀眾的心智達到夢幻的最高極限。...............................At last, some performances are held in dark night or indoor space..........These shows are very successful, and also very progressive, even excessive or overdoing, full with hints,............seem like some sweet dreams or nightmares in sleeping.........This is natural and don't have to be surprised, because of these shows are very shining hot, just like there is a burning sun or a giant super star rising from the horizon,...........and gradually take the audience's minds highly to the fantasy-limit ............ "Why many ancient civilizations had ever constructed pyramids or great stages on the ground?...... For dancing and asking rains from the sky? ......For showing some kind of great performance? ......For projecting the space traveling gears to another planet? .......Or just for waiting the super savior coming from the sky?........." "Those constructions were just a part of the great performances in the ancient civilization's building technologies, too........They still stand stably on deserts or in the jungles, even on the silent highlands till now.........." "Do you know why elephant was named elephant?.......Because of as an elephant standing closely in front of you, you might see its two giant front legs which looked like the number eleven - 11, also looked like two big columns......." "You are kidding me!.......I feel 'ele' seems like a long nose between two eyes or ears, it's more looked like the elephant's big head!........" "In the ancient time, elephants were the natural firemen, they could catch the water by their long noses and help humankind to extinguish the damaging fire......." "Then I have a question: Why 'election' and 'selection' also involved 'ele'?.........I think elephants were not only the natural firemen, but also the great constructing workers for helping human to select and carry big trees or good woods for making and placing the big columns on the building fields........" "They also could help constructors to flatten the bumpy grounds by the heavy walking steps of their feet, seemed like the road rollers........" "And usually they were super performers in the performances of traditional circus, too." "Yes! Once upon a time, elephants were the best friends even saviors of human beings, but most of them were retired during humankind's mechanical ages, some of them lived in a corner of zoos, some of them went back to their homeland......." "What we are talking gradually makes me feel the reason why the original author of 易經 used this word '豫' to describe this qua which was related to construction and performance, and asking water for saving the living beings.......During that time, the weather of the big city or metropolis must be very burning hot and dry........." "That's why the elephant had big ears for making winds, seemed like a pair of big fans used for cooling down the hot air around them..........Look this Hanese word '豫'! It involves a symbol '予' which seems like an elephant's side looking - big ear with long nose and long tooth............" "Actually '予' had a meaning about 'give' or 'forgive',.......that's why this symbol was also placed in some Hanese words which were related to 'help', 'release' or 'comfort',......such like '紓解', '紓緩', '紓困', '舒服', '舒適', '抒情', and so on....... I think elephants had ever given and helped humankind a great lot......until they felt uncomfortable and then no more let human 予取予求,.........not let human get more benefits from them........ " "Some biological archeologists had found, not only the elephants were humankind's companions on earth during the hot and dry climates, but also many mammoths with woolly long hairs were humankind's companions during the great ice ages..........." "Those ages must be the very hard times to the humankind, isn't it?........" "Then......what were the memories about elephants and mammoths remained in humankind's minds?......It seemed like......'like'!......Yes! human liked them, human liked their images, even had many fantasy imaginations to them,.........because of there is a Hanese word '像' which is consisted by the symbols of '人 - human' and '象 - elephant', and it means 'look like', 'seem like' or 'imagination'............." "Actually the 'significant image' is called '象徵' in Hanese, I think the ancient civilians might pay a lot of attentions to concern about the activities of the elephants, that's why there was a compound words '徵象' or '徵兆' which meant 'the factors of prediction'........." "Yes! A predicting case might contain thousands millions of the concerned factors, just like the amount of brain cells in human's brain, that's a great massive number........." "Usually the super star in the performance on stage was set as a good person and could fight with many bad persons,..........then got the glorious victory at last.......But you know, actually the performers on the stage were all actors or actresses,.......just like a parts of the brain cells in audience's mind......." "As a surface looking of the performer was connected with some bad characters, that might impact the judgement of the audience's mind in their real life.........That's why the programs of the performance might keep rejustified by the producers again and again, even the fantasy styles dressings or scenes in the performance might be created to reduce those impaction in the mental maps of the audiences......." "The performances might be produced step by step to the extremely fantasy limits at last until The End,.......and the audience's minds might get the highly exciting and totally release from their nervousness, just like felt down from the top of the mountain........Then the relations and following between performance and audience's mind might be linked tightly..........That's why the next qua '隨' was going to talk about relation and following." 迷人的藝術和動人的表演往往牽引著狂熱的仰慕、連結著風迷的觀眾,甚至影響事物流行的風格、形成同步追隨的風潮。那麼,追隨是什麼呢?追隨的好惡關係又是如何取捨的呢? "Sometimes I think those performers who were cast with the bad characters on the stage were just working for a kind of virtual sacrifice, because usually the performers who were cast with good characters might get more following fans......" "Actually the future is not only impacted by the natural climates changing, but also impacted by wish, willing, concerning, imaginations and desires about the wonderful life of the next day in human's minds.......That's why the relation and the following are existing......" "As you following a great performer, you might ask yourself: What is the real one?....... The virtual character on the stage or the invisible character under the stage?......And how about yourself? Do you really live like a true enough character of yourself to face with everyone in every place?........" "I suppose you might think: Actually, each person follows the personal wish, then directs and acts personal life show,......but sometimes the choice of the casting might be the major issue on each action and impacts their whole lives......." "Yes! Everyone might be the greatest director about their own live show, and might try to get the best relation and following situation in their real life........." "A great person just like a great performer who will never die, but exist in history,.......in our memories, and still as a lively spirit encourages our mind to run for better life in the future......" That evening I walked with Mermaid E. on the beach between sea and land under the sunset. My every step made deep presses on the sands, looked like a step follows another step,........also seemed like a water wave follows another water wave on the great sea beside beach............. Then I asked myself, do I really follow my wish to do everything in my life?.......... And what is the wish? Does it relate to some kind of worship or willingness?........Does it relate to the natural phenomenon of the flowing water and flying air?......... "Do you see that?.....Wave follow the wave, then it might become huge wave!......" Mermaid E. watched the sea from a distance and asked me. I turned my head and follow her sight to look, then I saw a line of huge water wave was just arousing on the sea...........It's amazing!.... "Is it a tsunami?...." I asked her. "Run!......Now!.......You should run!......" Mermaid E. said to me with urgency...... "But you?......Are you coming with me?......." I said. "Just run!.....Right now!.........Don't worry about me! I'm a mermaid, tsunami cannot harm me a hair!.......Run! Don't look back!......We will meet here someday!.........." She shouted to me urgently. I couldn't stand to hug her tightly for a second before going to escape........Then I ran very fast, without any doubt, almost lost my breath........After running up to the higher land, I turned my body and looked the beach........The huge waves were just rushing to the shore and covering all of the land below under my feet.......... I squinted my eyes and tried to find where Mermaid E. was right then......不一會兒, 只見餘波盪漾的海面浮出個大殼般輪廓的弧形,而那金魚般婀娜的身影,此時就站立那大弧形上,在夕陽餘暉的光彩裡,遠遠地朝我揮動雙手........隨著波濤向海平線逐流而去.......... P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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