新聞記者的訪問,透露一些端倪。記者訪問了另一家澳洲咖啡連鎖店 Gloria Jean's Coffee的店經理 Mr. Du,以下是他們的對話。
記者:你會接受前 Starbucks員工來應徵嗎? Mr. Du:我們會雇用一些他們的前員工 記者:附近的 Starbucks關門了,你會預期你們的生意因此受益嗎? Mr. Du::不會吧。去 Starbucks的客人,對真正的好咖啡沒什麼興趣(not interested in real coffee anyway)。 記者:如果 Starbuck前員工來你們店裡工作,可以馬上勝任嗎? Mr. Du:他們需要受點額外的訓練,因為我們的咖啡是純手工的,不像 Starbucks用半自動的咖啡機。 Mr. Du沒直說,但意思很明顯,Starbucks的咖啡不好喝。我想大多數的人都同意這一點。
"The biggest stumbling block in Starbucks’ attempt for Down Under domination is that Australia’s cafe culture is just too damn good." - 澳洲的咖啡文化超讚的,星巴克根本擋不了
"Thanks to waves of Italian and Greek immigrants in the early 1950s, Australia adopted the art of espresso-drinking-as-a-social-lubricant much earlier than the United States. While Starbucks introduced Americans to a European Lite version of coffee shop culture, in Australia it was a latecomer to a party no one invited it to." - 二戰後大量義大利希臘移民來到澳洲,喝義式濃縮咖啡當社交活動的文化就深植下來了,比起星巴克把歐陸咖啡館文化帶入美國早了許久,想把這套複製到澳洲,就像跑趴遲到,到了才發現根本沒被邀請,就是沒人理啦!
"As many of the cafes Starbucks competes with are independently owned, many Australians also took a moral stance against the American mega-chain’s invasion. No one likes it when a new Starbucks opens in their neighbourhood, but don’t pretend you’ve never eased a particularly insistent hangover with a Grande Americano. In Australia, that’s not an option." - 星巴克的競爭對手都是獨立經營的小咖啡館,澳洲人可是帶著道德高度來面對美式大企業入侵,沒有人喜歡星巴克開在附近,但是也不用假裝從未喝美式咖啡來解宿醉,因為在澳洲,沒人這樣做。
While the future of Starbucks in Australia looks less than certain, there is one area the indies can’t win. “I don’t really go to Starbucks,” says Keidar. “If I did, it would probably be in an airport, and I would order a frappe. With cookies in it.” Alright Starbucks, we’ll let you have the monopoly on red eye flight milkshakes. - 雖然星巴克在澳洲前途堪慮,但是有一塊是小咖啡館贏不了的,"我不會去星巴克,如果真的去了,那一定在機場,我會點星冰樂,配餅乾",好吧! 星巴克,紅眼班機的奶昔讓你全包了啦!