2021-04-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

040921 Charming& 韻味

    After riding near the coastline, taking another way with the houses aside.  Attracted by the lotus, stop for short break, and enjoy the whole.  The householder came from the living room, after the brief greeting, he says “ welcome to take a photo of his beloved lotus.”  Few seconds later, he generously sends me the cabbage.  I accept, and also send him one bottle of the fresh sugar cane juice, which I bought in last stop.  The charming scenery, the enthusiastic persons, and the great encounter.  All of them, make the fried cabbage, even tasty.  Warmly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 池水顏色, 也算留白; 靜靜地, 低調沉穩了這幕.鮮綠蓮葉, 本為配角; 飽滿心形狀, 明亮著全幕.蓮花, 溫馨簇擁下, 更加挺拔了, 更婀娜多姿了晴朗鐵馬日, 沿著海岸線騎; 近海民宅愛之蓮映入;民宅主人慷慨答應這美蓮上鏡, 還贈送親種高麗菜; 多謝啦! 鮮蔬, 暖了胃; 美景和坦率熱情人們, 暖心.
    After riding near the coastline, taking another way with the houses aside. Attracted by the lotus, stop for short break, and enjoy the whole. The householder came from the living room, after the brief greeting, he says “ welcome to take a photo of his beloved lotus.” Few seconds later, he generously sends me the cabbage. I accept, and also send him one bottle of the fresh sugar cane juice, which I bought in last stop. The charming scenery, the enthusiastic persons, and the great encounter. All of them, make the fried cabbage, even tasty. Warmly Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 池水顏色, 也算留白; 靜靜地, 低調沉穩了這幕. 鮮綠蓮葉, 本為配角; 飽滿心形狀, 明亮著全幕. 蓮花, 溫馨簇擁下, 更加挺拔了, 更婀娜多姿了 晴朗鐵馬日, 沿著海岸線騎; 近海民宅愛之蓮映入; 民宅主人慷慨答應這美蓮上鏡, 還贈送親種高麗菜; 多謝啦! 鮮蔬, 暖了胃; 美景和坦率熱情人們, 暖心.
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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