更新於 2021/05/31閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

D7@21 May 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

added 418 local cases. 21 May 2021 (Fri)
The public is in panic. People are being reeducated, some information told people that the sense of taste and smell would recover after one week. But it's not what the correct information I received from the press from other countries nor from my friends who had got COVID. It wouldn't be cured in months.
We're changing our mindsets toward COVID. People thought we need to be hospitalised until PCR is gone even if no symptoms nor a bit of symptom. It's bringing huge problems to hospital resources. People don't want to leave hospitals and are worried that they can't just stay home as having a cold. We were used to be extremely cared when getting COVID. So now, people are re-educated that we don't need to go to hospitals unless it's severe. We thought we should be hospitalised otherwise patients would transmit the virus to others.
The CDC has offered oximeters to patients today to help them monitor their own health at home.
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