Near (the downstream side of )BeiNan Creek, photo taken at LiJi Bridge.Earth moving, under going. Pressing/rising, being continued.Orogenic movement, between the of Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, get the island Formosa organized.Recreated naturally, the cliff( part of Eurasian Plate), after being steadily fine-tuned by the rain. The landscape of TaiTung/TAIWAN.Unexpected encounter so closely, with Little HuangShan. Understand the related knowledge, about the science/geography, after arriving home and check.Newly rebuilt us, after each exploring/checking/learning.Strength of NATURE, highly admired! Stronger us, absolutely welcome! Successfully Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 神清氣爽, 自然給力;經卑南溪, 見小黃山.元氣飽滿, 大睡之後.探得地理, 資料索引;匯集線索, 循序漸進; 達成目標, 馬到成功.