2021-10-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

White Ashes / 日常意外之飛灰

    日常意外之飛灰— 死靈之語、失去的聲音、以及其他種種
    聲音穿透話語所不能觸碰的 噪音或低喃同時在口中與眼中 燃燒著。 我的雙耳已死 不是心靈,不是皮膚 沒有喧囂的必要 即便是在此一無是處的靜默之中 顫慄迸散紛飛如燐火 以空茫黯淡的魂魄 我們注視,且注視 虛空之中爬行的回音 當嘈啞的喉嚨無法發出隻字片語 雙耳便再無用處,更無須修復 星辰被勒斃於夜空中 毫無生息的戀人們在墓中沈默 鬼魅幢幢圍著營火起舞 慶祝死寂降臨 直到慘白月光直擊而下 燦亮閃爍的聲響 我們將穿上皮囊,偽裝 雙耳的完好如初,並 將心靈遺落於身後 我們不再談論天氣好壞 武裝自身已然耗費畢生光陰 有捷徑可走並非好事 歌唱,或尖叫,也許 後者比較適合被燙傷的魂魄 但卻兩者都被禁止了 我們於是開始哀鳴,無聲且無淚 不用考慮哭泣 畢竟它代表著太多太多 無可辨識的什麼什麼 倘若能在被看見之前蒸發,那麼 流淚或許就真能無所謂 其他?沒有其他 已燃成灰燼的如今, 一滴水便是不可承擔之重 我們從來也不是植物 頭頂也不會有花朵開綻 只能閉上嘴和雙眼 獨自存在於活生生的世界之外 畢竟從很久很久以前 我們便已離開
    White Ashes
    Words touches nothing,
    While voices penetrate everything.
    Noises, or whispers, the same
    Are burning in mouths and eyes.
    My ears are dead,
    Neither mind nor skin.
    No need to shout.
    Silence is nothing now.
    Our trembles shatter here and there.
    Echoes crawl and float.
    We stare and stare
    With no glare in soul.
    No ear need to revive
    When we can't even hold
    A word in throat.
    Stars are strangled in the darkness.
    Lovers lie breathlessly in tombs.
    Ghostly shadows dance around the bonfire
    Celebrating the birth of tranquility
    Until the sparkling sound
    The pale moon punches down.
    We will put on our skin,
    Keep our ears as if alive,
    And left our mind behind.
    We don't talk about the weather fine.
    Arming ourselves takes lifelong time.
    A shortcut is never too clever a way.
    Sing or scream. The latter
    Suits our burnt mind better.
    But neither is allowed.
    We mourn, tearlessly and voicelessly.
    Don't consider crying
    As it represents too many things
    Shading tears may be really nothing
    If you could dry them before seen.
    Otherwise? No otherwise.
    You've been burnt to ashes
    That can no longer bear
    A single drop of water.
    We are never plants
    And no flower will bloom on our heads.
    Keep your mouth and eyes shut
    And leave the living world alone.
    We haven't been there
    For quite a long time afterall.
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