2022-01-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


寫到卡陰的事,我記得我有幾次沒記憶,然後從沙發上面醒來的事。[1] 剛去看之前的行事曆,發現我在六月的時候記錄了三次blackout,分別是5號(下午十二點到三點半),14號(上午十一點15分左右到下午五點58分)[2],18號下午12點到 9點)[3]
後來我想,反正我家離最近的Urgent Care開車不到十分鐘,所以我就自已開車去了Urgent Care。
我記得那時聊天時,我有記得要去拿一瓶Gatorade來喝,但當下沒有打開來喝。桌上咖啡是有加糖的,所以我喝了一口。[5]後來因為小朋友們要看Oscar,我走到樓梯那邊。後來我覺得自已很虛弱,感覺好像前幾天在看mountain bike的影片時一樣,我覺得我好像有點沒有意識。
[1] 第一次寫這段話是2021年十月24日。
[2] 我行事曆上面當天我留的記錄:wake up sometime before 5:58 judging from my computer screen wake up from sofa, sitting upright, seeing my sock, right foot i think. trying to locate myself and my cat can't find my cellphone/ipad go to kitchen to find my cellphone and ipad, can't find it, my cat finds me. i find my blanket near the kitchen window, which is weird i am not sure what happened found it near my countertop oven at 6:03, evidence that I was trying to prepare for lunch.
[3] 我行事曆上面當天我留的記錄wake up sometime after 9 pm, shocked to see that it is getting darker outside I remember having a conversation with my family via line, my brother has a doctor's visit today and we talk about his treatment, Oscar was sleeping/lying on the stairway so I had the conversation with them on the stairway, so that they can see him and the kids can see him. and when I was showing them Oscar I remember that there was once when I probably blacked out on the stairway, and this particular thought reminds me of getting Gatorade. However I don't think I drink it as the bottle is still unopened, and I remember I drank coffee instead. I remember I talked to Tracy before talking to my family, and she asks how my brother is doing and I mentioned to her that he visits the doctor today (Friday) and I am going to give him a call. After we hung up I call my brother via Line, and there's some problem with the internet connection, likely my own internet, and at the end, my brother set up a call so that he, me, and my sister can all talk on the phone. It is nice to see most of them, as my mother lives with my brother and his family. I see my brother's wife and their two kids as well. I also see my sister's two boys. Didn't see the girl and her husband because they were watching TV and my sister goes to a bedroom to talk. I remember setting up my Google calendar for classes in the Fall semester. i remember going to sofa to rest. I don't remember having lunch. and I probably didn't have lunch because there's no clean or dirty dishes. I likely went to the kitchen because I see that I took out one pot from the drawer beneath the oven.
[4] 有一個人一直低血糖,你們不覺得她血糖有問題,而是大腦、心理、睡眠、心臟有問題!
[5] 我後來發現,茶跟咖啡在我身上有很強大的降血糖功能。
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