2022-07-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 24 分鐘


Leaders and machines

Will a robot ever be your boss? And more than that - your leader? Will the very human leadership qualities of care and empathy ever be cast aside in a future populated with powerful machines and artificial intelligence?
In the final part of our series on leadership, we discuss where technology might lead us.

Presenter Robots might be on the factory floor now, but could they one day be your boss?
Ai-Da Robots are not perfect and they are not perfect for everything, but they do have a capability to do some things that humans can only dream of doing.
Presenter We are going to look at leadership in a future working alongside robots, and what this could mean for you.
A global tech giant(全球科技巨頭), Alibaba(阿里巴巴), rivals(對手) Amazon(亞馬遜) for the title of world's largest online retailer.
It has some 800 million users. It doesn't just help you shop; it can also bank your money and store your data.
Alibaba has got so big, the Chinese government wants new rules to curb its power.
The company has long embraced(長期以來一直採用) artificial intelligence(人工智能), or AI.
It uses algorithms(算法) to provide a personalised service(個性化服務) for its customers and robots to process and pack goods in its warehouses(倉庫).
Jack Ma(馬雲), who founded the firm(創立該公司), believes robots could one day run companies.
He says, 'In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of Time magazine as the best CEO.'
However, another pioneer of the tech world, the American Elon Musk(埃隆·馬斯克), is more worried.
He fears robots could one day get rid of(擺脫) us entirely. So, how will leadership look in a world of AI?
Owain Smolovic Jones So, a big advantage for human beings, in having more robots and AI in the workplace, are clearly that... that these technologies can perhaps in the future do a lot of the dirty work for us, and by dirty work, I think I mean things like heavy lifting(舉重), cleaning, moving goods from A to B, but it can also mean repetitive, computer-based tasks(基於計算機的任務) and it's not very healthy for human beings to be in front of a computer for extended periods of time(長時間). And that can free up human beings to do a lot more thinking: to think about – big thoughts about the future, about what a carbon-neutral(碳中和) planet looks like, about the kinds of communities(社區) we want to develop.
Presenter So, robots and AI could free us from the dull(枯燥), repetitive work we don't want to do. But aren't there dangers with that?
Owain Smolovic Jones So, the big danger essentially(本質上) is that, if our workplace has become more automated(自動化) and busier with robotics, that we'll have to have something to do, and governments will have to find solutions to ever greater numbers of people, who might not be out of work(失業), but sort-of(有點 hopping(跳) from one insecure(不安全的) temporary(臨時) job to another. And that presents really big, actually, social challenges.
Presenter Giving more jobs to robots and AI is going to present huge social challenges to humans. Where does leadership fit into this?
Owain Smolovic Jones A key part of leadership, as opposed to(與...相比) management, is how central care is to leadership: care, understanding and empathy(同理心). And so, in its most obvious guise(偽裝), we can think of caring for others, the people who are more vulnerable(脆弱) than ourselves – so, this is really something that robots, no matter how sophisticated(複雜), can't be replaced by(被...取代) human beings. But the central task(核心任務)of leadership, which is walking with people, responding to their needs, caring for them – on the big issues as well as the small issues – is something that robots will probably never be able to compensate (彌補)for.
Presenter So, qualities such as empathy, care and understanding in leadership will be very important – human skills that robots will probably never acquire.
Owain Smolovic Jones There are loads of(大量) ethical responsibilities(道德責任) for people who are creating AI, but also people who are in charge of(負責) implementing(實施) it and seeing how it progresses through organisations(組織) and society. The main ethical issue(倫理問題), I think, here is that AI, in some senses(從某種意義上說), is a kind of automation(自動化) of a human will, which can unfortunately include lots of human prejudices(偏見). So, for example, there have been problems with policing algorithms(警務算法), in the sense that they have reflected(反映), maybe, some underlying racial biases(潛在種族偏見) of certain police forces(某些警察部隊), in terms of where they deploy resources(部署資源). So, we have to keep a really close eye(密切關注) and it's a really big, ethical leadership responsibility to keep a close eye(密切關注) on how artificial intelligence is deployed – that it doesn't get out of hand(失控) and doesn't actually automate really serious ethical problems.
Presenter We need our leaders to be ethical and responsible when implementing(實施)AI, so that we don't automate and repeat our own human prejudices.
Could you one day have a boss like this? Meet Ai-Da, the first human-like robot artist. Ai-Da can draw and recite poetry(背詩).
Ai-Da The eerie(詭異的) sounds, which echoed(迴盪) throughout with the weight of the world itself.
Presenter But what her creators really want her to do is to get people thinking about a world with AI, and that includes thinking about the impact it will have on leadership.
Ai-Da Robots are great, but not human. They are not perfect and they are not perfect for everything, but they do have a capability to do some things that humans can only dream of doing. More challenging is how to direct this capability for a sustainable(可持續的) environment and our future. This is difficult.
Presenter Robots will bring opportunities and challenges. Would robots make better leaders than humans?
Ai-Da They work together. At the end of the day(歸根結底), the state of the game is up to how we design and use technology/robots. So, humans need to be more conscious(意識) of how much we are doing and what we are doing, when recreate and use new technology.
Presenter So we, as humans, and robots need to work together. We should understand the power of new technologies.
Ai-Da In order to truly appreciate(了解) the opportunities that are emerging(出現), we need to first understand the past. With this, we can be more aware and flexible(靈活地) to deal with an unpredictable(不可預測的) future. The world is changing. The future is not what we consider it to be. It is requiring(要求) from us a willingness(願意) to give up our comfort zone(舒適區).
Presenter Giving up your comfort zone means opening yourself up to new possibilities. To do this(為此), it helps to understand the past. So, what does Ai-Da think is a key quality(關鍵品質) for leadership?
Ai-Da Humility(謙虛): we are to be humble(謙虛) in every action and this includes what we are willing to do and say to help others. Leadership is not the same thing as success or failure. We have all failed, but we can recognise(認識) the mistakes that we made and learn from them. Humility is when you put yourself in someone else's shoes(設身處地為別人著想).
Presenter Showing humility, recognising mistakes and learning from them, are qualities this robot wants to see in leaders.
It's hard to know exactly how leadership will look in the future, but it is clear that human qualities of care and empathy will be vital. Having a detailed knowledge of the technology and its potential(潛力) is important, as is being ethical and responsible in how we use it.



Presenter Robots 現在可能在工廠車間,但它們有朝一日會成為你的老闆嗎?
愛達 機器人並不完美,它們也並非完美無缺,但它們確實有能力做一些人類夢寐以求的事情。
演講者 我們將探討未來與機器人一起工作的領導力,以及這對您意味著什麼。全球科技巨頭阿里巴巴與亞馬遜爭奪全球最大在線零售商的頭銜。它有大約8億用戶。它不僅可以幫助您購物;它還可以將您的錢存入銀行並存儲您的數據。阿里巴巴已經變得如此之大,中國政府想要新的規則來遏制它的權力。該公司長期以來一直採用人工智能或人工智能。它使用算法為其客戶和機器人提供個性化服務,以便在其倉庫中處理和包裝貨物。創立該公司的馬雲相信,機器人有朝一日可以經營公司。他說,“30年後,機器人很可能會登上時代雜誌的封面,成為最佳CEO。”然而,科技界的另一位先驅美國人埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 則更加擔心。他擔心機器人有一天會完全擺脫我們。那麼,在人工智能的世界中,領導力將如何?
Owain Smolovic Jones 因此,人類在工作場所擁有更多機器人和人工智能的一大優勢顯然是……這些技術可能在未來為我們做很多骯髒的工作,並且通過骯髒的工作, 我想我的意思是像舉重、清潔、將貨物從 A 移動到 B 之類的事情,但它也可能意味著重複的、基於計算機的任務,而且人類長時間在計算機前不是很健康. 這可以讓人類解放出來做更多的思考:思考——關於未來的大想法,關於碳中和星球的樣子,關於我們想要發展的社區類型。
主持人 所以,機器人和人工智能可以讓我們擺脫我們不想做的枯燥、重複的工作。但是這樣做沒有危險嗎?
Owain Smolovic Jones 所以,最大的危險本質上是,如果我們的工作場所變得更加自動化,機器人技術更加繁忙,我們將不得不做一些事情,政府將不得不為越來越多的人找到解決方案,他們可能不是失業,而是從一份不安全的臨時工作跳到另一份工作。這實際上帶來了巨大的社會挑戰。
主持人 給機器人和人工智能更多的工作將會給人類帶來巨大的社會挑戰。領導力在哪裡適合?
Owain Smolovic Jones 與管理相比,領導力的一個關鍵部分是對領導力的核心關懷:關懷、理解和同理心。因此,以最明顯的形式,我們可以考慮關心他人,關心比我們更脆弱的人——所以,這確實是機器人,無論多麼複雜,都無法被人類取代。但領導的核心任務,即與人同行、響應他們的需求、關心他們——無論是大問題還是小問題——是機器人可能永遠無法彌補的。
主持人 因此,領導力中的同理心、關懷和理解等品質將非常重要——機器人可能永遠無法獲得的人類技能。
歐文·斯莫洛維奇·瓊斯 創造人工智能的人,以及負責實施人工智能並了解人工智能如何在組織和社會中取得進展的人,都承擔著大量的道德責任。我認為,主要的倫理問題是,從某種意義上說,人工智能是人類意志的一種自動化,不幸的是,其中可能包含許多人類偏見。因此,例如,警務算法存在問題,從某種意義上說,它們可能反映了某些警察部隊在部署資源方面的一些潛在種族偏見。因此,我們必須密切關注,密切關注人工智能的部署方式是一項非常重大的道德領導責任——它不會失控,也不會真正自動化真正嚴重的道德問題.
演示者 我們需要我們的領導者在實施人工智能時保持道德和負責任,這樣我們就不會自動化和重複我們自己的人類偏見。
Ai-Da 詭異的聲音,迴盪著世界本身的重量。
主持人 但她的創作者真正想讓她做的是讓人們思考一個有人工智能的世界,這包括思考它將對領導力產生的影響。
愛達 機器人很棒,但不是人類。它們並不完美,也不適合所有事物,但它們確實有能力做一些人類夢寐以求的事情。更具挑戰性的是如何將這種能力用於可持續的環境和我們的未來。這是困難的。
Presenter Robots將帶來機遇和挑戰。機器人會比人類成為更好的領導者嗎?
Ai-Da 他們一起工作。歸根結底,遊戲的狀態取決於我們如何設計和使用技術/機器人。因此,在重新創造和使用新技術時,人類需要更加意識到我們在做什麼以及我們在做什麼。
Presenter 所以我們作為人類和機器人需要一起工作。我們應該了解新技術的力量。
Ai-Da 為了真正了解正在出現的機會,我們首先需要了解過去。有了這個,我們可以更加清醒和靈活地應對不可預測的未來。世界正在發生變化。未來不是我們想像的那樣。它要求我們願意放棄我們的舒適區。
主持人 放棄舒適區意味著向新的可能性敞開大門。為此,有助於了解過去。那麼,艾達認為領導力的關鍵品質是什麼?
愛達 謙虛:我們在每一個行動中都要謙虛,這包括我們願意做的和說的來幫助別人。領導力與成功或失敗不同。我們都失敗了,但我們可以認識到我們所犯的錯誤並從中吸取教訓。謙虛是你設身處地為別人著想。
演示者 表現出謙遜、識別錯誤並從中學習,是這個機器人希望在領導者身上看到的品質。
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