36. 明夷 000101 地火-坤離 (Quarter 3-4)

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利艱貞 -- 明白地下掩埋或水中湮滅的不明物體、動用敏銳精密的探測方法和儀器,這是十分艱難的偵察任務。如同在睡眠之中想要得到夢境靈光的啓示;又如同搭乘時光旅行的機器,回到過去尋找關鍵人物。
初九:明夷于飛,垂其翼。君子于行,三日不食,有攸往,主人有言。/ 變卦地山謙 -- 還記得「謙卦」裡記載著人類文明曾經瀕臨覆滅的驚險事蹟嗎?那個從地底飛出來的龐大怪物,似乎在出現之前垂著羽翼、蟄伏甚久呢!君子此時要進行考古挖掘的探索,最好在行前節衣縮食、減輕體重、作好體能訓練的長期準備,纔能悠然輕鬆的前往啊!不論如何,此行的主要目的是要找到當時目擊怪物的關鍵人物、得到當時文明爲何覆滅或隱匿的相關訊息。(P.S.此處「三日」解爲「多日」或「長期」。)
六二:明夷,夷于左股,用拯馬壯吉。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 文明覆滅的可能原因,就像人體不良於行,此時交通與交流的能力受阻、佐証事務進行的資訊來源和線索難以為繼,甚至不計血汗、意圖通過快速的載具或昂貴的設備來暢通內外的連結,以便拯救載浮載沉、過度福泰而虛榮的壯盛假相。這是我們探測分析一座埋藏在地下的、龐大的古代陵墓空間所得到的一種結論。(P.S.此處「左股」解爲「佐証的線索」。)
九三:明夷于南狩,得其大首,不可疾貞。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 文明覆滅的可能原因,就像大舉進行狩獵或頻頻發動戰爭,雖然一時獲取很大的獵物、奪得貪圖的事物,卻可能因為受傷或染上一再復發、不可治癒和不明究理的疾病而衰亡。這是我們在南方的考古遺址中,經由分析及檢視覆蓋在地底下的古文明殘存遺物和遺骸所得到的一種結論。從那些遠古戰場的遺址中,甚至出土了不少令人感到震撼的、威力強大的武器呢!
六四:入于左腹,獲明夷之心,于出門庭。/ 變卦雷火豐 -- 如果把文明的發展視為人體的成長,那麼位於體內左腹的胰臟可以說是與文明的覆滅息息相關,從這裡也許可以獲得文明覆滅的核心原因。廣闊燦爛的文明如同浸淫於豐富熱鬧的盛宴,如果人體吸收熱量過高、消化不良或臟器功能衰竭,也會疾病纏身啊!這是我們在飲食器具非常豐富發達的考古遺址中,檢驗許多在豪門大庭的建築遺跡中出土的遺骸死因所得到的一種結論。
六五:箕子之明夷,利貞。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- 經由對於傳說中「箕子文明」覆滅過程的考古發掘、詳細分析偵測之後,有了另一種說法:當時他們可能極端的把事物區分為菁華和糙糠,不思資源回收和節省能源之道,最後因為過於滿足現狀、凡事只求合於常規常理、不思創新開拓,結果失去應變的能力,文明便逐漸衰微而隱匿,最後竟然沉沒在水底。
上六:不明晦,初登于天,後入于地。/ 變卦山火賁 -- 經過許多有關文明覆滅原因的考察探索,不明原因、莫測晦深的案例還有很多充滯在檔案庫中。最令人驚歎與耐人尋味的案例就是:曾經夜夜燈火通明、建築通天高塔的興盛文明,在火山大規模噴發之後的短暫期間,被炙熱的岩漿和厚厚的火山灰掩埋在地底深處。
"An ancient philosopher Laos in the Hanese cultural history had told: To see and cannot find is called 夷, to hear and cannot know is called 希."
"Yes! I know that...... 老子曰:「視之不見謂之夷、聽之不聞謂之希。」。「夷」是一種或許還可以聽見、卻不容易看見的狀態,有點接近「隱」的意思。"
"Sure! This ancient Hanese word '明夷' seemed like very close to some of the features about mineral, mine, miniature.…..in English words. That's why this qua had ever recorded a series of works about the archeological businesses."
"From the other point of view, this Hanese word '夷' seemed like be written as presenting the intestinal system in the human body with a curve line which looked like 'S' in its ancient pictogram. That's why it had some meanings related to digestion, extinguishment, or invisibility, just liked the mine under the earth."
"During this qua, I think those ancient archeologists might find the progressive technology for detecting the underground minerals, which were deeply buried and hard to discover. Because of they might have already got the knowledge about radiation materials in the period of last qua."
"We can see the hexagram of this qua was consisted as 'Fire under Earth', that pointed a possibility: Those ancient scientists might try to detect the buried things by comparing the different radiations or heats for recognizing what things might hide under the earth."
"Actually the radiocarbon,......the technology about accurately detecting the decaying date of the Carbon-14 which was discovered by modern scientists in 1940, and this knowledge had led the archeology toward a new era."
"Sometimes the thoughts or ideas, or some kind of emotion might hide in our minds and only could be known by our self-consciousnesses through the sleeping dreams. By means of the cultural-DNA buried in our sub-consciousness, maybe we also be able to get some inspiration and information about the situations of our related ancient civilizations through the time-spaces of dreams."
"Do you know there was an ancient Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of the arts, trade, and strategy? ...... And she was born with weapons from the head of Jupiter."
"You mean Minerva?...... Since the second century BC, the Romans equated her with the Greek goddess Athena. She was the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, and magic."
"I think the spirit of this qua might be closely related to the ancient goddess Minerva. According to the new generation in The I.E. Scripture was started at last qua '晉', those ancient archeologists might try to dig out more precious wisdoms left by the more ancient civilizations which had been lost."
"Some archeologists had ever told that the ancient Roman culture’s Minerva might be impacted by the ancient Greek cultural Goddess of Athen -- Athena, which might inherit from Athena, which was the plural form of Mukānal in Mycenaean culture on Crete Island near to Greece in the Mediterranean Sea. And the ruins of the ancient Mycenae City or Myces were just another famous name about a lost ancient civilization on Earth."
"From all of the lyrics in this qua, they seemed like pay more interest to know how those ancient lost civilizations had been ruined,  crashed or disappeared........, due to the reasonable worries about the future of their own civilization's development during the climate changing and hot war times which had been mentioned in last qua."
"So, what they had found?"
"According to the lyrics from second yao to sixth yao, there had been noted down five reasons of ruin about those lost civilizations: lost the abilities of communication and mobilization; frequent war or mass-hunting and lost to diagnose and treat the un-identified diseases; indigestion caused by too much eat and drink or lost the vital function of pancreas in the body; over-discrimination and lost the ability about environmental protection with creation; the destructive damage caused by the incident exploding of the great volcano........In last yao, the lyrics also noted that actually many collected files about the strange cases of the lost civilizations kept in the database were still sealed and uneasy to explain......"
"Fire under the Earth, the symbolic image about the hexagram of this qua seemed like have pointed a most possible reason related to the ruin of the ancient lost civilizations, too....... It might be something contained very powerful burning heat inside the earth that we had never seen before, just like the super underground volcano."
"So, if the humankind's civilizations on the earth will be periodically ruined and not last forever, what will become the most valuable thing? This awesome question must exist in those ancient people's minds after they digging out many stories about the lost civilizations through the archeological research."
"That's why the next qua '家人' was going to talk about the family. As running for the glorious future of the great civilization which perhaps will become the dusts in someday, why don't pay more attention to cherish the real family and hold the existing happiness of the home life?"
"Do you have family?......" I was always curious about this question and asked Mermaid E.
"Family?....... What is the family? Are we a family?" Mermaid E. seemed like have a little confuse about my words.
"Where you from?...... Whom you lived with before knowing me on the beach?......" I kept asking.
"Mermaid E. came from the sea, lived with fishes and turtles, seagulls and dolphins,...... winds and rains, sea waves and sun lights......." She answered.
"No,......... I mean do you have parents? Father and mother? Brothers or sisters?...... Or else?...... Such like grand father and grand mother, uncles or aunts?...... " I said.
"I don't know....... I just remember when I could start to see and hear, I opened my eyes and found myself was lying on a cluster of very soft sea-grasses, numerous small shining fishes and a giant air bubble were covering around me...... Those fishes kept supplying me oxygen in that giant bubble by blowing the air from their mouths for a long time....... I gradually woke up, and learned to follow those fishes and lived with them, then I knew more new friends in the great ocean, included my familiar big turtles......" Mermaid E. said.
"Yes! I had wondered why I slept under the deep sea before waking, I had tried to find where my home and my family was....... One day, those familiar and kind fishes led me to a sunken ship in the deep and dark sea, I probably understood what had happened to me and my families......." She kept saying.
"I'm really sorry about that!...... " I was astonished about her past event and her surviving legend.
"In Hanese, '家' meant home, and '家人' could mean 'family' or some kind of 'expert' who was familiar or skillful on a subject of research or working job. No matter what, '家人' might have some characters about familiar, live or work together......."
"But I feel a little weird about this Hanese pictograms word '家' which was consisted by a shape of a house-roof and a symbol related to swine or hog or pig."
"I think '家' might have been a kind of house which was built by the farmers for raising the hogs in ancient Hanese agricultural fields. It gradually became the iconic building of the homeland in their country, then the meaning of this word '家' gradually became similar to 'home' in later."
"The other possibility about the home might involve the hogs is.......if humankind had been raised by some familiar animals during a period of hard time on the earth?......."
"'家' must be always a home place for gathering and covering the families, but how about the lost families whom you might never seen before?......"
"Do you mean......some of the extraterrestrials or aliens might be humankind's lost families?...… That's just the other awesome subject that the next qua was going to discuss....... Actually the very ancient civilization in China already had ever faced such unusual question......"
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery

康侯用錫馬蕃庶,晝日三接。-- 包覆迷彩偽裝或匿蹤塗料的外殼、像箭矢般的武裝偵察載人飛行器,採用金屬合金製成的機械戰馬或動力馬達推進的行動載具,外加傳播通訊裝置與遮蔽掩護的各式裝備和行動支援,我們在一個白晝中就接到多次前往火線戰地偵測的任務。能源動力技術的晉階發展,使得戰爭方式也明顯跟著改變。……
利貞。 -- 面對強大的界限就像眼前有一座堅固壯盛的要塞城堡、難以通行的藩籬大牆。一般而言,如果想要突破它的禁錮或防衛,就得事先做好精密準確的偵測和計劃,佈置「震天雷」一類的密集炸彈來震撼爆破。……
亨,小利貞。-- 如同觀察月亮光影區域內的變化一般,興致高昂的針對一個特定目標、漸次縮小圍繞目標的特定範圍、進行專注於目標的偵測和搜索,這就是所謂的追逐。反過來說,逃避被追逐或圍困的處境,往往也必需從一個小範圍中對外偵察與突圍。……
亨,無咎。利貞,利有攸往。-- 高興追求長久感情、持之以恆聯繫在心,本來是沒錯;敏銳偵測再三思量,感情一事何必緊張,悠遊自在有何不妥?......雷聲大作、空氣震動,急促呼嘯的風,吹的車搖晃、鈴乍響,短暫迴盪在人稀的街道上,煞是恆長在心中盤旋著餘響,久久不散........
亨,利貞,取女吉。-- 山丘為何出水流?湖澤為何起波濤?……山丘上也可能有積水的湖澤,湖澤下也可能有起伏的山丘。當你無意之間感到高興、聚精會神的傾心於一位讓你覺得有趣的女子,甚至不期而遇的結識她、喜歡她,她的部份特質很可能正是你自己潛在的部份性格呢!......
利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能……
康侯用錫馬蕃庶,晝日三接。-- 包覆迷彩偽裝或匿蹤塗料的外殼、像箭矢般的武裝偵察載人飛行器,採用金屬合金製成的機械戰馬或動力馬達推進的行動載具,外加傳播通訊裝置與遮蔽掩護的各式裝備和行動支援,我們在一個白晝中就接到多次前往火線戰地偵測的任務。能源動力技術的晉階發展,使得戰爭方式也明顯跟著改變。……
利貞。 -- 面對強大的界限就像眼前有一座堅固壯盛的要塞城堡、難以通行的藩籬大牆。一般而言,如果想要突破它的禁錮或防衛,就得事先做好精密準確的偵測和計劃,佈置「震天雷」一類的密集炸彈來震撼爆破。……
亨,小利貞。-- 如同觀察月亮光影區域內的變化一般,興致高昂的針對一個特定目標、漸次縮小圍繞目標的特定範圍、進行專注於目標的偵測和搜索,這就是所謂的追逐。反過來說,逃避被追逐或圍困的處境,往往也必需從一個小範圍中對外偵察與突圍。……
亨,無咎。利貞,利有攸往。-- 高興追求長久感情、持之以恆聯繫在心,本來是沒錯;敏銳偵測再三思量,感情一事何必緊張,悠遊自在有何不妥?......雷聲大作、空氣震動,急促呼嘯的風,吹的車搖晃、鈴乍響,短暫迴盪在人稀的街道上,煞是恆長在心中盤旋著餘響,久久不散........
亨,利貞,取女吉。-- 山丘為何出水流?湖澤為何起波濤?……山丘上也可能有積水的湖澤,湖澤下也可能有起伏的山丘。當你無意之間感到高興、聚精會神的傾心於一位讓你覺得有趣的女子,甚至不期而遇的結識她、喜歡她,她的部份特質很可能正是你自己潛在的部份性格呢!......
利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能……
Google News 追蹤
一年前,政府在某個沙漠中, 發現到一座從來沒有被證實過的神祕遺跡。 政府陸續派遣許多考古學者前往考察, 然而這座遺跡彷彿有股無形的力量, 只要一過了70分鐘, 派過去的學者對外通訊就會完全失靈, 猶如人間蒸發一般,再也沒有回來過, 這座遺跡就像黑洞般讓政府感到困惑…
從猿人處理室到玲瓏寶塔,道教石窟到天人得道觀,掌管區域的九個太陽各自從魂境醒來,踏出安置美夢的靈樞──而在立意明確的戰鬥中,我們一拳拳親手打碎歪斜的言語。 他們和羿說著相似的話:要對抗天禍、要復興家業、要傳承歷史、要尋得一地安生。這些冠冕堂皇的期許,在漫長的等待中日漸剝落,終究露出醜陋的偏執。
  占卜是一種非常有趣及普遍的文化, 我們幾乎可以在世界上任何一種文化習俗中看到他的身影。中國古代的周易八卦,西藏本土信仰的苯波,和吉普賽的塔羅牌。古希臘的星座,乃至藏傳佛教的占卜術。或許因為人類的知識太有限,才會對未來未知的神秘力量充滿好奇。因此誕生了各種占卜之術,希望在不可知的未來,可以藉此趨
作者:He ChangMing 我在很年輕的時候,曾不知天高地厚的寫過幾本浮薄之作,這讓我很後悔,甚至羞於提及。之所以說浮薄,是因為它們所關注的僅僅是肉體生命和思想生命(只是個人生活方面的,並非政治意義上的肉體生命、思想生命),沒有深入到民族生命和天地生命,更沒有將此四
很早以前,我們的祖先在與大自然的交流互動中,就領悟出了自然的法則。 他們了解四季的更迭,天體的運行,世間萬物的生滅,都有一個他們無以名狀的規則在其中作用,因此各地的人類創生出各種形式不同的工具,欲藉此在某種程度上預測未來的事件。
一年前,政府在某個沙漠中, 發現到一座從來沒有被證實過的神祕遺跡。 政府陸續派遣許多考古學者前往考察, 然而這座遺跡彷彿有股無形的力量, 只要一過了70分鐘, 派過去的學者對外通訊就會完全失靈, 猶如人間蒸發一般,再也沒有回來過, 這座遺跡就像黑洞般讓政府感到困惑…
從猿人處理室到玲瓏寶塔,道教石窟到天人得道觀,掌管區域的九個太陽各自從魂境醒來,踏出安置美夢的靈樞──而在立意明確的戰鬥中,我們一拳拳親手打碎歪斜的言語。 他們和羿說著相似的話:要對抗天禍、要復興家業、要傳承歷史、要尋得一地安生。這些冠冕堂皇的期許,在漫長的等待中日漸剝落,終究露出醜陋的偏執。
  占卜是一種非常有趣及普遍的文化, 我們幾乎可以在世界上任何一種文化習俗中看到他的身影。中國古代的周易八卦,西藏本土信仰的苯波,和吉普賽的塔羅牌。古希臘的星座,乃至藏傳佛教的占卜術。或許因為人類的知識太有限,才會對未來未知的神秘力量充滿好奇。因此誕生了各種占卜之術,希望在不可知的未來,可以藉此趨
作者:He ChangMing 我在很年輕的時候,曾不知天高地厚的寫過幾本浮薄之作,這讓我很後悔,甚至羞於提及。之所以說浮薄,是因為它們所關注的僅僅是肉體生命和思想生命(只是個人生活方面的,並非政治意義上的肉體生命、思想生命),沒有深入到民族生命和天地生命,更沒有將此四
很早以前,我們的祖先在與大自然的交流互動中,就領悟出了自然的法則。 他們了解四季的更迭,天體的運行,世間萬物的生滅,都有一個他們無以名狀的規則在其中作用,因此各地的人類創生出各種形式不同的工具,欲藉此在某種程度上預測未來的事件。