更新於 2024/11/08閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

34 To The Sky-Owl City

Producer-Adam Young The main song for Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, recorded exclusively for the film. Released-June 14, 2011-Album-Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole


Shipwreck in a sea of faces There's a dreamy world up there Dear friends in higher places Carry me away from here Travel light, let the sun eclipse you Cause your flight is about to leave And there's more to this brave adventure Than you'd ever believe
Birds-eye view, awake the stars Cause they're all around you Wide eyes will always brighten the blue Chase your dreams And remember me, sweet bravery Cause after all those wings will take you Up so high So bid the forest floor goodbye As you race the wind And take to the sky You take to the sky
On the heels of war and wonder There's a stormy world up there You can't whisper above the thunder But you can fly anywhere Purple burst of paper birds This picture paints a thousand words So take a breath of myth and mystery And don't look back
Birds-eye view, awake the stars Cause they're all around you Wide eyes will always brighten the blue Chase your dreams And remember me, sweet bravery Cause after all those wings will take you Up so high So bid the forest floor goodbye As you race the wind And take to the sky You take to the sky
There's a realm above the trees Where the lost are finally found So touch your feathers to the breeze And leave the ground
Birds-eye view, awake the stars Cause they're all around you Wide eyes will always brighten the blue Chase your dreams And remember me, sweet bravery Cause after all those wings will take you Up so high So bid the forest floor goodbye As you race the wind And take to the sky
You take to the sky You take to the sky You take to the sky
FAVORITE LINE On the heels of war and wonder, where's a stormy world up there.
在我最勤奮的日子裡,每天六點的鬧鐘,堅定的把我從那些美好但虛幻的夢境裡抽離出來。 半睜著眼睛,開始半個小時的晨運和洗澡;再經過另外半小時的英文時間,我就可以用一碗白飯和萬年不變的雞蛋、高麗菜,迎接每天早晨裡最令人期待的時刻。
小時候讀過李文炤在《勤訓》裡寫到的「一日之計在於晨;一歲之計在於春;一生之在於勤。」 意思是一天中最寶貴的時間是早晨,一年之中最寶貴的時間是春天,而一生中最重要的就是勤奮。 所以大概「開始」是所有事情裡數一數二重要的部分了吧?

美國作家凱瑟琳.拉斯基(Kathryn Lasky)於2003年出版《貓頭鷹守護神Legend of the Guardians:The Owls of Ga'Hoole》系列書籍,至2013年總共出版了16集本傳以及3部衍生作品。 《To The Sky》則是小說改編的同名電影《貓頭鷹守護神》的主題曲。
故事描述倉鴞索倫與哥哥克勞德一起練習飛行時,從大樹摔落至危險的森林地面。 在千鈞一髮之際,被神秘貓頭鷹組織帶走,以為逃過森林地面的野獸威脅,卻捲入更加危險的事件。
當然,所有故事裡的主角,大多數都會化險為夷,成功的度過險惡,並且大幅度的成長。 這些危機雖然可怕,卻也給了這些主角們機會擁有穿越暴風雨的能力。

人的一生中,總是會遇到非常多的課題,就如同倉鴞索倫面對暴風雨一樣,充滿挑戰。 但我們卻不總是像故事書裡的角色們一樣的幸運,畢竟依照作者的能力和故事的編排,他們通常擁有不多的選擇,所以可以輕鬆的看到(或是只看到)通往結局的那條路。
股神巴菲特與他的私人飛行員弗林特(Mike Flint)在一次談論人生職涯問題的時候,讓弗林特寫下職業生涯想達成的25個目標;接著讓他在這25個目標中,再選出最想做的其中5個項目。
巴菲特問弗林特「你知道接下來要怎麼做了嗎?」 弗林特回答「我應該用我大部分的時間做那5件事情,再用剩下的時間,做其他20件事。」 巴菲特接著說「不!不對,我會花所有的時間,專注在那5件事情上。」
在我的5/25測驗裡,最終發現我原來最想要做的事情基本上屬於寫作、體能和語言精通三個項目上。 人生時間有限,雖然我做不到把所有事情專注於這三個項目,但我可以從我最在乎的事情開始慢慢的走起。

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