2023-03-31|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


宏都拉斯與中國建交,與台灣斷交(CNN) 宏都拉斯外交部在當地時間週六發表的一份聲明中說:「宏都拉斯政府承認世界上只有一個中國,中華人民共和國政府代表整個中國,台灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,宏都拉斯政府從即日起與台灣斷承諾不再同台灣發生任何官方聯繫或接觸。」

Honduras establishes diplomatic ties with China, severs them with Taiwan (CNN)
“The government of the Republic of Honduras recognizes the existence of one China in the world and that the government of the People’s Republic of China represents China as a whole, ” its ministry of foreign affairs said in a statement on Saturday, local time. “Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory and, as of today, the government of Honduras has communicated to Taiwan the severance of diplomatic relations, pledging not to have any further official relations or contact with Taiwan.”
  1. establish diplomatic ties with : 建交
  2. sever (cut) diplomatic ties with : 斷交
  3. inalienable :不可分割
  4. as of today:即日起
  5. pledge:承諾
中華民國基於維護國家尊嚴,即日起終止與宏都拉斯共和國的外交關係 (中華民國外交部聲明) 中華民國外交部鄭重聲明:宏都拉斯共和國政府與中華人民共和國政府正在進行建交談判,經溝通無效,為維護國家主權與尊嚴,決定自即日起終止與宏都拉斯共和國的外交關係,全面停止雙邊合作計畫,撤離大使館、駐汕埠總領事館、技術團及電力團等相關人員,並要求宏國關閉其駐台大使館。

The Republic of China (Taiwan) has terminated diplomatic relations with the Republic of Honduras with immediate effect to uphold national dignity (MOFA Statement)
The Republic of China (Taiwan), in order to uphold national sovereignty and dignity, has decided to terminate diplomatic relations with the Republic of Honduras with immediate effect, end all bilateral cooperative projects, and recall the staff of its embassy, consulate general in San Pedro Sula, technical mission, and electricity mission.
  1. terminate diplomatic relations with:終止外交關係
  2. uphold national sovereignty and dignity:維護國家主權和尊嚴
  3. with immediate effect:立即生效
  4. bilateral cooperative projects:雙邊合作項目
  5. recall the staff of its embassy:召回大使館的工作人員
  6. consulate general : 總領事館
  7. technical mission : 技術團
  8. electricity mission : 電力團

  1. dollar diplomacy = checkbook diplomacy :金錢外交
  2. diplomatic ally:邦交國
  3. mire in debt:陷入債務危機
  4. the status quo:現狀

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