Pros and Cons of Being A Cockroach 2.

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One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and yes, humans, a cockroach also dreams, and the spirit whispers:
“Cockroach, I'm the Goddess of the Lonely. I look after all the lonely souls in the world, and I heard you've been wishing from the bottom of your heart that you want to keep company to a lonely one. It touches me. So I'm here to grand your wish. Tomorrow when the moon rises from the horizon, you'll be changed into human form, a grown man. You can be with this lady every night and do whatever you want just exactly like every man else.
But you will return to the cockroach after the Sun comes up, and you are forbidden to set foot outside this woman's home, you can only exist in her apartment and can't let no one see you. Remember, you wish for keeping company with a lonely soul, that's why I'm here, and no other cockroaches ever have this luxury and privilege. Therefore, if you break this rule, there will be punishment, and you will have to live with the consequences for the rest of your life.“ -She warns.
She is not going to elaborate the content of the punishment. But the thing is, when you don't want a thing, of course you wouldn't go break any rules to get it, so the potential punishment or consequences stay potential, meaning, irrelevant. And once you get determined to get that thing, even at the cost to break the rules, the potential punishment or consequences will still be irrelevant because you don't give a shit at all.
“Will you accept my offer and terms?”- The Lonely Goddess wants to know if the potential criminal and victim would fall for her offer.
The cockroach is that kind of I don't give a shit type. It has made its mind. It knows that it wants to stay here in this apartment with the lady. He would do anything to keep her company and enjoys hers too. And, it is merely a low life bug that every human it meets just wants to stomp on and kill. It can die anytime, and now someone is offering an opportunity for it to be a human? What would a cockroach have to lose? It should take it immediately and say thank you.
And that's what the cockroach does. He only thinks for seconds and says yes and thank you. A cockroach can't think too much after all, right?
Next day, when the night falls, the lady, as usual, goes to her kitchen to pour herself a mug of hot water, she sees the cockroach. This time it doesn't dock, it walks along the edges of the cabin to the floor and turns into a human man in front of her. The lady doesn't run away, instead she stands steady right there. The cockroach finds her looking a bit different than before.
"Oh she's not in her pajamas but a dress she has not pulled out from her wardrobe for a long long time." As though she looks pretty, she doesn't look surprised or frightened at all! "My lady, it's me, the cockroach.”- It says with a little withdrawal and uncertainty. Or we should address the cockroach properly as "Roach" because he is a human now.
“I know.”- she replies.
“How do you know? Don't you feel shocked at a total stranger popping out of nowhere in your own house? Let alone this stranger is transformed from a bug!” –Roach kind of yells.
Yes, we have to call him properly since now.
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城市里流传着一个奇怪的传言。 有一些居无定所的流浪汉会偷偷潜进别人的家里,然后像寄生虫一样生活下去。 我知道这不是谣言。 因为我就是这只寄生虫。 更幸运的是,我恋爱了。 我爱上我的宿主。 1 今天是我和林初霁同居的第十天。 一如往常,等她出门上班后,我从床底慢慢爬出来。 我边用初霁
我夢見我躺在床上睡覺,有人在幫我造夢。 「造夢」一項工程,在陽光下持續進行中。看到進展相當不錯,我感到很愉快溫暖。 突然有個惡靈在我身旁,讓我突然打個寒顫,抖了一下。他說就是要來干擾並且控制我的夢。 我翻過身,那個惡靈又跑到我的另一邊,在我的臉上一直吹著冷風,冷風也吹進我的被窩裡。 我試著不
「話說你們原本是住在那來著?」 我對於她們倆的事情幾乎一無所知。 她們是妖怪沒錯,照理來講應該是會住在跟人界完全不一樣的地方,比較所有宗教都是這樣講的,但奇怪的事情是,她們的樣貌確實與人類沒有差異也不排除有啥變身類的妖術,還是很奇怪啊,完全想不明白。 「你在想的東西都寫在臉上了。」 多莉把行李放
今天早上不到7點,過客就被不速之客給吵醒~蟑螂,蟑螂這生物真是個討厭的東西,房間每天都明明打掃的很乾淨,家裡也不開伙,真搞不清楚這生物從哪裡跑出來的? 還在夢周公的時候,只覺得大腿部分癢癢的,立馬從床上彈了起來,我的老天爺啊!我竟然看到一隻小強,心裡想小叮噹你在哪裡啊!怎麼沒有保護好媽媽呢(小
「砰」的一聲,我睜開眼,在我面前,竟有一層薄薄的保護罩。 「竟然還會這樣!真的是煩死了!」那是把很高音的女聲。 看着地上的灰白面具碎片,我明白了。想不到坐在地上的這個死神,竟是個小女孩。 「哈哈哈!看來我不想死的話,你是真的不能殺死我的。」 「你這個混蛋!」她十分憤怒地揮手揮腳。 「你又能
那一晚,我夢到了她 不知道是單純路過還是和我有淵源的她 在夢中,她很直白的告訴我她是鬼 她說:我不想顯現我的真實樣貌,我怕你會嚇到 我回她:但是妳說妳是鬼的時候我已經嚇到了 再後來,在醒來之前我聽見了 她在我的右邊耳朵叫了我的名字 和第一次在食品公司遇見的男人一樣 緩緩地、輕聲地叫了
個案說起她只要遇上某個老師,當天就會夢見「掉進黑洞」的夢境。夢境中的她會不斷地往下墜,沒有盡頭。於是,這次趁著可以用催眠探索夢境,她決定要好好探究一番。 進入夢境時,她的身體便已開始呈現往下墜的狀態。看見自己呈現「大」字型,一臉開心、覺得好好玩,還忽然說起「這輩子還沒試過高空彈跳呢!」下墜
城市里流传着一个奇怪的传言。 有一些居无定所的流浪汉会偷偷潜进别人的家里,然后像寄生虫一样生活下去。 我知道这不是谣言。 因为我就是这只寄生虫。 更幸运的是,我恋爱了。 我爱上我的宿主。 1 今天是我和林初霁同居的第十天。 一如往常,等她出门上班后,我从床底慢慢爬出来。 我边用初霁
我夢見我躺在床上睡覺,有人在幫我造夢。 「造夢」一項工程,在陽光下持續進行中。看到進展相當不錯,我感到很愉快溫暖。 突然有個惡靈在我身旁,讓我突然打個寒顫,抖了一下。他說就是要來干擾並且控制我的夢。 我翻過身,那個惡靈又跑到我的另一邊,在我的臉上一直吹著冷風,冷風也吹進我的被窩裡。 我試著不
「話說你們原本是住在那來著?」 我對於她們倆的事情幾乎一無所知。 她們是妖怪沒錯,照理來講應該是會住在跟人界完全不一樣的地方,比較所有宗教都是這樣講的,但奇怪的事情是,她們的樣貌確實與人類沒有差異也不排除有啥變身類的妖術,還是很奇怪啊,完全想不明白。 「你在想的東西都寫在臉上了。」 多莉把行李放
今天早上不到7點,過客就被不速之客給吵醒~蟑螂,蟑螂這生物真是個討厭的東西,房間每天都明明打掃的很乾淨,家裡也不開伙,真搞不清楚這生物從哪裡跑出來的? 還在夢周公的時候,只覺得大腿部分癢癢的,立馬從床上彈了起來,我的老天爺啊!我竟然看到一隻小強,心裡想小叮噹你在哪裡啊!怎麼沒有保護好媽媽呢(小
「砰」的一聲,我睜開眼,在我面前,竟有一層薄薄的保護罩。 「竟然還會這樣!真的是煩死了!」那是把很高音的女聲。 看着地上的灰白面具碎片,我明白了。想不到坐在地上的這個死神,竟是個小女孩。 「哈哈哈!看來我不想死的話,你是真的不能殺死我的。」 「你這個混蛋!」她十分憤怒地揮手揮腳。 「你又能
那一晚,我夢到了她 不知道是單純路過還是和我有淵源的她 在夢中,她很直白的告訴我她是鬼 她說:我不想顯現我的真實樣貌,我怕你會嚇到 我回她:但是妳說妳是鬼的時候我已經嚇到了 再後來,在醒來之前我聽見了 她在我的右邊耳朵叫了我的名字 和第一次在食品公司遇見的男人一樣 緩緩地、輕聲地叫了
個案說起她只要遇上某個老師,當天就會夢見「掉進黑洞」的夢境。夢境中的她會不斷地往下墜,沒有盡頭。於是,這次趁著可以用催眠探索夢境,她決定要好好探究一番。 進入夢境時,她的身體便已開始呈現往下墜的狀態。看見自己呈現「大」字型,一臉開心、覺得好好玩,還忽然說起「這輩子還沒試過高空彈跳呢!」下墜