2023-04-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘



Part 1 小学咨询
1. from 8.40 to 9.00 am
2. school will contact parents on the phone instead of email
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sports field in the back
6. need not wearing the uniform with name on the coats
另一版本的回忆为:do not wear boots
7. activities: cooking, music, and chess
8. summer camp in the countryside
9. a professional dentist
10. when they ride the bike to school, students should wear bright clothes and a helmet
Part 2 防火安全知识讲座
11-14 选择
11. The company is having this meeting because
C. there have been changes in the building
12. There has been a recent improvement to
A. the alarm
13. the problem with office staff was that they
C. did not move too much away from the building
14. During the minor fire in January, some staff working in the factory
B. were unwilling to start the alarm
15-20 匹配
15. Ensuring there are no obstacles in fire escape routes: A. it should be done immediately
16. Showing staff how to do first aid: B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist
17. Checking that fire doors are easily opened: A. it should be done immediately
18. Training staff to use fire extinguishers: B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist
19. Checking that fire liquids are properly stored: C. it need not take care much at present
20. Checking that staff are aware of emergency exit: A. it should be done immediately
Part 3 答案缺失
Part 4 新西兰艺术家介绍
31. painting
32. material such as glass and plastic
33. shells
34. made of electrical items, e.g. light bulbs
35. displayed his photographs
36. pencil
37. movies
38. his long-time interest in travel
39. sense of humor
40. he expresses that feeling of loss



Some people say that history provides little or nothing to us, while others argue that we must learn history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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