2022-12-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘















    不論你我多渺小,我們都可以... SAVE SOIL! 您知道現在全球土壤劣化的嚴重程度嗎? 土壤劣化跟我們有什麼關係? 引述自影片中的一段話: 「當土壤死亡時 就無法再創造生態系統服務, 土壤死亡,其它一切都隨之死亡, 包括我們(人類)」 而土壤劣化是怎麼造成的? 兩個主因: 不當的農業操作與集約飼養的畜牧業 為了生產我們的糧食 讓全球陸地總面積超過三分之一 都在滿足人類要「填飽肚子」 或是「享受美食」的這件事情 但全球仍有幾億人口在挨餓 這個系統似乎出了很大的問題 誠如影片中所述: 「這是一個承擔責任的時刻」 就算您不是農夫、不是園丁 完全沒有接觸土壤也沒關係 最簡單的方式就是透過食材的選擇 每天都有至少三次機會 一起用飲食來拯救土壤😉 影片官方介紹: 💥在人類與氣候變遷、衝突和前所未有的社會變革做鬥爭時,世界領先的氣候和環境科學家與Sadhguru(薩古魯)合作,揭露了一個人類正在面臨的超級嚴重危機!如果我們在未來幾年內採取行動,此危機將可轉化為巨大的機會。 📌根據對獲獎科學家的採訪,這部紀錄片強調了世界各地的土壤是如何走向滅絕的。這導致了全球糧食和水供應短缺,不僅會影響最貧窮的人,連最富有的國家也將簞瓢屢空。 📢「Save Soil 拯救土壤」是薩古魯設想的一項全球運動,目的在對即將發生的土壤滅絕做出一致的、有意識的反應。 #選擇友善種植農作物 #選擇多蔬食 No matter how small you are, you can help... SAVE SOIL! Soil Degradation is a serious global issue! But how serious is it, and how soil degradation affects you? A quote from the documentary 'Save Soil'...: "When the soil dies, it can no longer provide its services to the ecosystem. When the soil dies, everything dies with it, including us (humans)". So what causes soil degradation? The 2 main causes are #ImproperAgriculturalPractices and #IntensiveAnimalHusbandry. In order to produce food for the world, more than one third of the world's land has been used for agriculture so humans can satisfy their needs to "fill their stomachs" or for their love of "good food". While hundreds of millions of people around the world are still starving. This kind of system presents a big problem. As stated in the documentary: "This is a time to take responsibility..." You don't have to be a farmer or a gardener, it doesn't even require you to touch the soil at all. You can still help to save the soil in our ecosystem, and you have at least 3 opportunities each day.... Make a difference by simply making a better choice of ingredients in your food. Let’s save our earth's soil through our dietary choices 😉 ****************************************************************

    Official Film Introduction: 💥As humanity struggles against climate change, conflict and unprecedented societal changes, the world's leading climate and environmental scientists collaborate with Sadhguru to highlight an even greater threat, which can be transformed into a tremendous opportunity, if we act within the next few years. 📌 Based on interviews with award-winning scientists, this documentary highlights how soil around the world is going extinct. This is leading to global food and water supply shortages, which will impact not just the poorest, but even the richest nations. 📢 Save Soil, a global movement envisioned by Sadhguru, seeks to bring about a concerted, conscious response to impending soil extinction.



    Documentary: Save Soil | Our Very Body:





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