這可能是蘋果自蘋果手錶以來最大的產品發布 | CNN商業

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This could be Apple's biggest product launch since the Apple Watch | CNN Business
這可能是蘋果自蘋果手錶以來最大的產品發布 | CNN商業

CNN  —  CNN —
Apple may be just one day away from unveiling its most ambitious new hardware product in years.
At its Worldwide Developers Conference, which kicks off Monday at its Cupertino, California, campus, Apple (AAPL) is widely expected to introduce a “mixed reality” headset that offers both virtual reality and augmented reality, a technology that overlays virtual images on live video of the real world.
The highly anticipated release of an AR/VR headset would be Apple’s biggest hardware product launch since the debut of the Apple Watch in 2015. It could signal a new era for the company and potentially revolutionize how millions interact with computers and the world around them.
期待已久的AR/VR頭戴式裝置發布將是蘋果自2015年Apple Watch推出以來最重要的硬體產品發布。這可能預示著公司的新時代,並有可能徹底改變數百萬人與電腦及周圍世界互動的方式。
But the headset is just one of many announcements expected at the developers event. Apple will also show off a long list of software updates that will shape how people use its most popular devices, including the iPhone and Apple Watch.
但是耳機只是開發者活動中預期的眾多公告之一。蘋果還將展示一長串軟體更新,這些更新將塑造人們使用其最受歡迎的設備,包括 iPhone 和 Apple Watch 的方式。
Apple may also tease how it plans to incorporate AI into more of its products and services, and keep pace with a renewed arms race over the technology in Silicon Valley.
The event will be livestreamed on Apple’s website and YouTube. It is set to start at 10:00 a.m. PT/1:00 p.m. ET.
該活動將在蘋果公司的網站和YouTube上進行直播。活動預計於太平洋時間上午10:00 / 東部時間下午1:00開始。
Here’s a closer look at what to expect:
For years, Apple CEO Tim Cook has expressed interest in augmented reality. Now Apple finally appears ready to show off what it’s been working on.
According to Bloomberg, the new headset, which could be called Reality One or Reality Pro, will have an iOS-like interface, display immersive video and include cameras and sensors to allow users to control it via their hands, eye movements and with Siri. The device is also rumored to have an outward-facing display that will show eye movements and facial expressions, allowing onlookers to interact with the person wearing the headset without feeling as though they’re talking to a robot.
據彭博社報導,新的頭戴式裝置可能被稱為Reality One或Reality Pro,將擁有類似iOS的介面,顯示沉浸式視頻,並包括攝像頭和傳感器,讓用戶可以通過手部、眼動和Siri來控制它。據傳該設備還將擁有一個面向外部的顯示屏,顯示眼動和面部表情,使旁觀者可以與佩戴頭戴式裝置的人互動,而不會感覺像在與機器人交談。
Apple’s new headset is expected to pack apps for gaming, fitness and meditation, and offer access to iOS apps such as Messages, FaceTime and Safari, according to Bloomberg. With the FaceTime option, for example, the headset will “render a user’s face and full body in virtual reality,” to create the feeling that both are “in the same room.”
據彭博社報導,蘋果公司的新頭戴式裝置預計將搭載遊戲、健身和冥想等應用程式,並提供訪問 iOS 應用程式,如 Messages、FaceTime 和 Safari 的功能。例如,使用 FaceTime 選項,頭戴式裝置將“在虛擬現實中呈現使用者的臉和全身”,以創造出“在同一個房間”的感覺。
The decision to unveil it at WWDC suggests Apple wants to encourage developers to build apps and experiences for the product in order to make it more compelling for customers and worth the hefty price tag.
The company is reportedly considering a $3,000 price tag for the device, far more than most of its products and testing potential buyers at a time of lingering uncertainty in the global economy. Other tech companies have struggled to find mainstream traction for headsets. And in the years that Apple has been rumored to be working on the product, the tech community has shifted its focus from VR to another buzzy technology: artificial intelligence.
But if any company can prove skeptics wrong, it’s Apple. The company’s entry into the market combined with its vast customer base has the potential to breathe new life into the world of headsets.
A mixed reality headset may not be the only piece of hardware to get stage time this year.
Apple is expected to launch a new 15-inch MacBook Air packing the company’s M2 processor. The current size of the MacBook Air is 13 inches.
預計蘋果公司將推出一款新的15英寸MacBook Air,搭載公司的M2處理器。目前MacBook Air的尺寸為13英寸。
Previously, users who wanted a larger-sized Apple laptop would need to buy a higher-end MacBook Pro.
以前,想要更大尺寸的蘋果筆記型電腦的用戶需要購買更高端的MacBook Pro。
Considering WWDC is traditionally a software event, Apple executives will likely spend much of the time highlighting the changes and upgrades coming to its next-generation mobile operating systems, iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
考慮到WWDC傳統上是一個軟體活動,蘋果高管們很可能會花大部分時間強調即將推出的下一代移動操作系統iOS 17和iPadOS 17的變化和升級。
While last year’s updates included a major design overhaul of the lock screen and iMessage, only minor changes are expected this year.
去年的更新包括了鎖定螢幕和 iMessage 的重大設計改版,但今年只預期會有些微的變化。
With iOS 17, Apple is expected to double down on its efforts around health tracking by adding the ability to monitor everything from a user’s mood to keeping tabs on how their vision may change over time. According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple will also launch a journaling app not only as a way for users to log their thoughts but also activity levels, which can then be analyzed to reveal how much time someone spends at home or out of the house.
隨著iOS 17的推出,蘋果公司預計加倍努力推進健康追蹤技術,從監測使用者的情緒到追蹤他們視力隨時間的變化等方面進行監測。據《華爾街日報》報導,蘋果還將推出一款日記應用程式,不僅可以讓用戶記錄他們的想法,還可以記錄他們的活動水平,進而分析出某人在家中或外出的時間有多長。
The new iOS 17 is also said to get a lock screen refresh: When positioned in horizontal mode, the display will highlight widgets tied to the calendar, weather and other apps, serving as a digital hub. (iPadOS 17 is also expected to get some of the same lock screen capabilities and health features.)
據說新的iOS 17也會有一個鎖定屏幕的更新:當橫向放置時,顯示屏將突出顯示與日曆、天氣和其他應用程式相關的小工具,成為一個數字中心。(預計iPadOS 17也會獲得一些相同的鎖定屏幕功能和健康特性。)
Other anticipated upgrades include an Apple Watch OS update that would focus on quick glances at widgets, and more details about its next-generation CarPlay platform, which it initially teased last year.
While much of the focus of the event may be on VR, Apple may also attempt to show how it’s keeping pace with Silicon Valley’s current obsession: artificial intelligence.
Apple reportedly plans to preview an AI-powered digital coaching service, which will encourage people to exercise and improve their sleeping and eating habits. It’s unclear how it could work, but the effort comes at a time when Big Tech companies are racing to introduce AI-powered technologies in the wake of ChatGPT’s viral success.
Apple may also demo and expand on some of its recently teased accessibility tools for the iPhone and iPad, including a feature that promises to replicate a user’s voice for phone calls after only 15 minutes of training.
Most of the other Big Tech companies have recently outlined their AI strategies. This event may be Apple’s chance to do the same.
新聞來源: CNN (#國際新聞)
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Google News 追蹤
蘋果的首款「空間電腦」Apple Vision Pro將於12月17日正式在台灣上市, 並於12月5日上午9點開放預購。這款備受矚目的頭戴式顯示器將以創新的空間運算技術, 融合數位與實體世界,徹底改變人們的生活、工作與娛樂方式。 上市時間表及價格 Apple Vision Pro 將
探索 Apple Vision Pro 的未來視界 ## 功能一覽 Apple 最新的 Vision Pro 是一款顛覆性的增強現實(AR)頭戴設備。它不同於過去的 VR 設備,而是結合了虛擬與現實的全新體驗。 Vision Pro 配備了高達 3200 PPI 的微顯示器,呈現
Apple 劃時代新作 Apple Vision Pro 終於都在香港正式發售。作為一個科技迷,當然立即預約試用。而經過半小時的試用,我會說 Apple Vision Pro 是一個可以連接過去與未來、開創新時代的產品。以下是我試用完幾個重點功能的感受,以及一些注意事項。
Apple Vision Pro:VR生活的全新開端 Apple Vision Pro ──蘋果推出的全新 VR 頭戴式裝置──不僅以其前沿技術重新定義了虛擬與擴增現實體驗,更以多元化應用打開了使用者探索新世界的大門。從個人電影院、專業工作到冥想空間,提供了享受生活的嶄新方式。
蘋果WWDC發布會在每一年都能吸引全球的目光。今年,在銷量不及預期的背景下,這場科技盛宴再次拉開帷幕,全球消費者見證iOS 18、iPadOS 18、macOS Sequoia等一系列重磅系統更新的亮相。
近年來,蘋果一直在穿戴式裝置領域進行研究, 而一份關於智能眼鏡、智能戒 指以及 AirPods 的報導揭示了未來可能的發展方向。 蘋果已經向消費者銷售了包括 Apple Watch 系列和各種型號的 AirPods 在內的多 款穿戴裝置。 然而,就像其他科技公司一樣,蘋果認為其產品還有更大
在科技發展的浪潮中,蘋果公司再次掀起了一股新的風潮,這一次是他們即將推出的 Apple Ring。這款手環將是蘋果公司首次進入可穿戴設備市場的尝试,預計將帶來一場全新的科技革命。讓我們來看看這款 Apple Ring 的介紹、價格、上市時間以及是否建議購買。 介紹 Apple Ring 是一
蘋果的首款「空間電腦」Apple Vision Pro將於12月17日正式在台灣上市, 並於12月5日上午9點開放預購。這款備受矚目的頭戴式顯示器將以創新的空間運算技術, 融合數位與實體世界,徹底改變人們的生活、工作與娛樂方式。 上市時間表及價格 Apple Vision Pro 將
探索 Apple Vision Pro 的未來視界 ## 功能一覽 Apple 最新的 Vision Pro 是一款顛覆性的增強現實(AR)頭戴設備。它不同於過去的 VR 設備,而是結合了虛擬與現實的全新體驗。 Vision Pro 配備了高達 3200 PPI 的微顯示器,呈現
Apple 劃時代新作 Apple Vision Pro 終於都在香港正式發售。作為一個科技迷,當然立即預約試用。而經過半小時的試用,我會說 Apple Vision Pro 是一個可以連接過去與未來、開創新時代的產品。以下是我試用完幾個重點功能的感受,以及一些注意事項。
Apple Vision Pro:VR生活的全新開端 Apple Vision Pro ──蘋果推出的全新 VR 頭戴式裝置──不僅以其前沿技術重新定義了虛擬與擴增現實體驗,更以多元化應用打開了使用者探索新世界的大門。從個人電影院、專業工作到冥想空間,提供了享受生活的嶄新方式。
蘋果WWDC發布會在每一年都能吸引全球的目光。今年,在銷量不及預期的背景下,這場科技盛宴再次拉開帷幕,全球消費者見證iOS 18、iPadOS 18、macOS Sequoia等一系列重磅系統更新的亮相。
近年來,蘋果一直在穿戴式裝置領域進行研究, 而一份關於智能眼鏡、智能戒 指以及 AirPods 的報導揭示了未來可能的發展方向。 蘋果已經向消費者銷售了包括 Apple Watch 系列和各種型號的 AirPods 在內的多 款穿戴裝置。 然而,就像其他科技公司一樣,蘋果認為其產品還有更大
在科技發展的浪潮中,蘋果公司再次掀起了一股新的風潮,這一次是他們即將推出的 Apple Ring。這款手環將是蘋果公司首次進入可穿戴設備市場的尝试,預計將帶來一場全新的科技革命。讓我們來看看這款 Apple Ring 的介紹、價格、上市時間以及是否建議購買。 介紹 Apple Ring 是一