2023-06-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

獨裁者會在瞬間逃亡 Dictator will flee in seconds

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 There are two contradictory news report on the same day: Russian agents' threat to family made Prigozhin call off Moscow advance Russia still investigating Wagner boss Prigozhin for treason
Anyone who believes either of the news proved he to be naive. The mercenary is a business trading life for money, meaning they, especially the leadership, must have place their family members safe if they have any. No one could find their family members easily. And if Putin vows to investigate the treason of the Wagner, why we do not see he announces it personally? Russia is in big trouble. Russia becomes weak under the sanction and under the invasion of Ukraine. It is all too natural a dictator abandons his country, as he sees the country his means for wealth, when situation is out of control or is unable to make profit anymore. It has similar effects to Xi and the CCP. They would flee within minutes, before outsiders even become aware.
同一天,出現兩則相互矛盾的新聞報導: 俄羅斯特工對家人的威脅迫使普里戈津取消莫斯科進攻計劃 俄羅斯仍在調查華格納頭目普里戈津的叛國行為 相信其中任何一則新聞的人都被證明是天真的。 僱傭兵是以金錢換取生命的生意,這意味著他們,特別是領導層,必須確保自己的家人安全,如果他們有家人的話。沒有人能輕易找到他們的家人。 而如果普京發誓要調查華格納的叛國行為,為什麼我們沒有看到他親自宣布呢? 俄羅斯陷入了大麻煩。在制裁和烏克蘭的入侵下,俄羅斯變得脆弱。 當情況失控或無法再獲利時,獨裁者放棄自己的國家是再自然不過的,因為他將國家視為獲取財富的工具。這道理對習近平與中共也是相同的,他們會在瞬間消失不見。
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