2023-07-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

Yandere Simulator Anime Opening Storyboard~歌詞翻譯

In the name of love, I will fight to the death 以愛為名,我願為此奮戰到死 Even if you push me far away (far away) 就算你把我推開,推的遠遠的 Every day with you is like a fantasy (like a fantasy) 和你一起的每一天,宛如夢幻(宛如夢幻) To see the stars lighting up the sky, 為了看那些繁星點亮的天空 Every step you take, I'm close behind! 你每走一步,我都緊緊跟隨在後! When you're here, the darkness all but fades away 只要有你在,黑暗就全部消逝的無影無蹤 There's no doubt when you hold my hand, 當你握住我的手時,無庸置疑 It's my destiny to be with you! 我的使命,就是要和你在一起! Feelings that words can't say, 無法言喻的感受 Tears falling in the way, 墜落滿地的淚水 Please, only you can fill this emptiness! 拜託了,只有你可以填滿我內心的空虛! If tears can't make you mine, I'll force you to realize, 如果流淚也無法讓你成為我的話,我強迫你明白 In the name of love, I'll never let you go! 以愛為名,我絕對不會放你走! In the name of love, I will fight to the death, 以愛為名,我願為此奮戰至死 Even if you push me far away! 就算你把我推開,推的遠遠的! I will always protect you, even if she should take you, 我會永遠保護你,就算她可能會搶走你 I'm not afraid of blood of my hands! 我完全不懼怕我手上會沾染的血! In the name of love, I will find to the death, 以愛為名,我願為此奮戰至死 So you'll stay with me forevermore, 所以你會一直一直和我在一起 I will always be with you… 我也會永遠永遠和你一起… If it costs my life, then in death I'm by your side! 如果這會要我的命,那麼死亡來臨之際,我也會在你身旁!
歌詞小簡析:相較於Star-crossed lovers描寫那種情苞初開、深情款款的「普通」女高生,這首歌更是明確指出Ayano的「特別」。
“In the name of love, I will fight to the death“這句話直接寫出Ayano願為愛而戰死的誓言,在遊戲代表的就是「剷除情敵」。這首歌不止一次指出這個事實,讓我們繼續看下去
“There's no doubt when you hold my hand, It's my destiny to be with you!“這是Ayano與前輩Taro第一次見面的場景,就是超級老套的轉角遇到愛,Yandere Dev該不會就愛狗血這一味∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
“Please, only you can fill this emptiness!“這個在說的是Ayano在遇到Taro之前所受的折磨,作為Aishi家族一員,他們在遇到愛人(前輩)之前都無法感受到感情,內心一直處在極為空洞虛無的狀態。
“I will always protect you, even if she should take you, I'm not afraid of blood of my hands!“完全就Ayano為了得到愛不惜殺人的模樣。不過第一位情敵Osana的特殊死法是把她的長頭髮纏在風扇裡面轉轉轉,Ayano其實沒有「讓手沾血」就是了∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
“If it costs my life, then in death I'm by your side!”這應該是指打出GG後的Snap mode,就是Ayano會爆氣把她身邊的人殺死,再把前輩殺死,最後自殺的結局。
“Even if you push me far away”、“Every step you take, I'm close behind!“、“I'll force you to realize,“、“I'll never let you go!“等句基本上就是病嬌少女會必備的特質,反正Ayano就是個妥妥的病嬌嘛,有這種話的出現蠻正常的:3
歌詞其實也有一點點小缺陷:“To see the stars lighting up the sky,”這段突然天外飛來一筆,也沒有多做解釋,劇情到目前為止也沒有關於星星所代表的意涵。雖然就Ayano感受不到悲傷,故沒有淚水這點,“Tears falling in the way,”至少還有“If tears can't make you mine,”做呼應,讓“To see the stars lighting up the sky,”就很像是為了跟節奏而塞進去的詞,不過就後一句的“Every step you take, I'm close behind!”,好像也能把stars解釋成前輩,但我個人覺得這有點硬拗啦=√=
歌曲表現部分我覺得很棒,我很喜歡副歌那種,像甜蜜糖果塔一塊一塊剝落下來的感覺,也像是Ayano偏激感情的剝離感。最後的陡然直降的橋段,也像是兩人最後會跌入的愛情深淵一樣。總而言之,就是我很推薦(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
Yandere Dev說原本這首是拿來當作開場曲的,但他一直都不滿意所以丟在一旁,到最近才拿出來。Yandere Dev根本超級完美主義者,這首歌基本上都就已經把遊戲的主旋律給說完了還不滿意:P

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