New works 'Virtualscape' at the virtual space '2023 Taiwan Annual' 2023/8/26~ 2023/9/30
作品名稱(中文):102º_GPSMAS + 120º_GPSTW=virtualscape作品名稱(英文):102º_GPSMAS + 120º_GPSTW=virtualscape作品媒材(中文): (mp4 , mp3, jpeg, zip) Varies by media,
作品媒材(英文):(mp4, m4a, jpeg) Varies by media,
作品尺寸:2D: 3897 × 1763~4878 × 2206px/3d:gltf 11.3MB/video4”~4’07”/audio4’06”~ 4’07”/
作品論述(英文):Two groups of images taken at different latitudes and longitudes, by comparing the images and the marked GPS, present the changes in the two groups of humanities, society and customs in two existing networks. Images are not only the reproduction of phenomena, but also a channel to another time and space; through the GPS channel of the series of images, the condensed moment, the desire of a foreign land, and the contented gaze form a new connection in the hearts of the viewers.
By converting still images into continuous images, combining the sound recorded in the spatial sound, shaping the spatial trajectory of people and things left by the GPS position of the images, creating an atmosphere as if you were on the scene, and instantly reproducing time and space. Viewers can restore and retrieve the time-space state of still images, videos, and sounds in the virtual space.
'2023 Taiwan Annual'