2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘


    The sky is an art gallery that you can enter at any time.


    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Gallery" can refer to different things, but one common meaning is a place or space, such as a room or building, where works of art, exhibits, or items of interest are displayed for public viewing. It can also refer to a group of people who gather for a specific purpose or shared interest.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "畫廊",可以指的是不同的事物,但一個常見的含義是一個地方或空間,例如一個房間或建築,用來展示藝術品、展覽品或感興趣的物品供公眾觀賞。它還可以指一群人為特定目的或共同興趣而聚集在一起。

    Related Terms (相關詞語):

    • English: Art gallery, museum, exhibition, audience, spectators
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 藝廊,博物館,展覽,觀眾,觀眾

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: The art gallery features a stunning collection of modern paintings and sculptures. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 這個藝廊展示了一個令人驚嘆的現代畫作和雕塑收藏。
    2. English: They visited a historical gallery that showcased artifacts from ancient civilizations. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他們參觀了一個展示古代文明文物的歷史畫廊。
    3. English: The concert gallery was filled with music enthusiasts eager to hear the performance. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 音樂會畫廊裡擠滿了熱衷於聆聽演奏的音樂愛好者。
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