2023-11-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

[Incredible India] India Hyderabad Travel 印度海德拉巴遊記 EP5

今天又是重要的一天,也是這次旅行的highlight, 就是見到很多印度網友們。終於在公司工作了四年之後可以親眼見到他們,真的很開心。而且今天有要去同事家別墅野外住宿一天,感覺能夠在印度有另外一種不同的體驗,非常開心。為了這個聚會前天還去買了一件印度傳統衣服。沒想到我好像很適合的樣子。


Today is another important day, and it's the highlight of this trip, which is meeting many Indian friends. After working in the company for four years, I can finally see them in person, and I'm really happy. Also, today we are going to stay at a colleague's villa in the countryside for a day, and I feel like I can have a different experience in India, which makes me very happy. In preparation for this gathering, I even bought a traditional Indian outfit the day before. Surprisingly, it seems like I look good in it.

Unfortunately,I ate something too spicy yesterday, and my stomach is not feeling well. It's a shame that I won't be able to enjoy the buffet and the meals during our outdoor stay. However, it's not that important; what matters most is being able to meet with colleagues, have enjoyable conversations, and see more adorable children.


Campfire in the friend's villa


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