更新於 2024/11/01閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

AI 也能畫出連續漫畫,DALL-E 3效果超乎預期! 【Laichu】


有在 follow AI 或是圖文生成軟體的朋友應該會知道,OpenAI公司的DALL-E 3 已經在近期風光上線。

不僅是我,就連國外的專家在實際體驗後,也大讚 DALL-E 3 為當前市面上最頂尖的AI產圖模型。

究竟 DALL-E 3 到底有多厲害?可以怎麼玩?

早期像是DALL-E 2的時候,普遍存在解讀文字語意的問題。不過,近期OpenAI研究團隊表示,最新的 DALL-E 3 在理解 prompt 上有大幅的進展。




  1. 選擇畫風:我首先請DALLE-3產生一名身穿芥末黃Fred Perry Polo衫、戴眼鏡且手拿MacBook的男生,這過程中還可以獲得圖片的「seed」。

prompt 如下:

The city glows with night lights under the dark sky. On the highest point, a telephone pole, stands a young boy in anime style with glasses, Scumbag Boogie hair style and a mustard-yellow Fred Perry polo shirt. He holds a macbook and stands on one foot, overlooking the city with confidence. after generate the image, give me the seed number of the pictures

  1. 確定角色風格:這個時候,GPT給了我4張風格迥異的圖片。經過比較,我選擇了左上角一張具有韓漫風格的圖片並記錄下了其seed。


  1. 生成連續畫面:利用這個seed,我再產生四張連續的畫面,完整呈現一個小故事。

prompt 如下:

please generate 4 images of a same young man in anime style with gold metal thin glasses and a mustard-yellow Fred Perry polo shirt.
Use seed 1258923642 for every image
- The Taipei city glows with night lights under the dark sky. On the highest point, a telephone pole, stands a young man He holds a MacBook and stands on one foot, overlooking the city with confidence.
- A young man standing in front of a college girl's dorm pressing the ring on the wall. The Taipei city glows with night lights under the dark sky.
- The Taipei city glows with night lights under the dark sky. On the highest point, a telephone pole, stands a young man holding a MacBook and stands on one foot, suddenly the iPhone in his left pocket rings, he picks up the phone.
- A young man using a MacBook and raising his hand to answer the teacher's question inside a japan high school style classroom with other classmates.

  1. 添加新角色:如果劇情需要,我還可以加入新的角色,並確保風格和畫風與先前的角色一致。

prompt 如下:

please use the same young man and generate 4 images that remains consistent of a college girl in anime style with blue hoodie, short hair, pink skirt and the young man.
Please use seed 1258923642 for every single image:
- a college girl in anime style with blue hoodie use pleading eyes hanging out a MacBook for the young man
- a college girl use a MacBook with the young man trying to beat a difficult video game boss together
- a college girl use a MacBook with a young man. They high-five each other's hand to celebrate winning a video game
- a college girl bowing to say goodbye with the young man in front of college's dorm. The Taipei city glows with night lights under the dark sky.









我是萊丘 Laichu 如果喜歡這篇文章,歡迎留言鼓勵。
Facebook:萊丘 Laichu4Goi
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