更新於 2023/12/31閱讀時間約 9 分鐘


  1. Harangue
    • 字首: Har- (to), -angue (talk)
    • 解釋: 長篇大論地演說,斥責。
    • 例句: The politician delivered a harangue against corruption.
  2. Iconoclast
    • 字首: Icon- (image), -clast (breaker)
    • 解釋: 反傳統者,持不同意見者,反傳統信仰者。
    • 例句: The artist was considered an iconoclast for challenging traditional art forms.
  3. Juxtapose
    • 字首: Juxta- (near), -pose (place)
    • 解釋: 並列,並置
    • 例句: The exhibition juxtaposed classical and contemporary artworks.
  4. Kaleidoscope
    • 字根: Kal- (beautiful), -eid- (form), -scope (instrument)
    • 解釋: 萬花筒
    • 例句: The festival was a kaleidoscope of colors and music.
  5. Languid
    • 字根: Lang- (slack), -uid (related to)
    • 解釋: 無精打采的
    • 例句: The hot weather made him feel languid and tired.
  6. Munificent
    • 字首: Mun- (good), -ific- (make), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 慷慨的,寬宏大量的
    • 例句: The philanthropist made a munificent donation to the hospital.
  7. Nefarious
    • 字根: Ne- (not), -far- (speak), -ious (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 邪惡的,極壞的
    • 例句: The criminal was involved in nefarious activities.
  8. Oblivion
    • 字首: Ob- (against), -liv- (forget), -ion (noun suffix)
    • 解釋: 遺忘,被忘卻的狀態
    • 例句: Over time, the ancient ruins faded into oblivion.
  9. Pernicious
    • 字首: Per- (thoroughly), -nicious (harmful)
    • 解釋: 有害的,致命的
    • 例句: The pernicious effects of smoking are well-documented.
  10. Quintessential
    • 字首: Quint- (five), -ess- (essence), -ential (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 精髓的,典型的
    • 例句: The book is considered the quintessential work on the subject.
  11. Reticent
    • 字根: Retic- (silent), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 沉默寡言的
    • 例句: The usually reticent artist opened up about his inspiration.
  12. Sycophant
    • 字根: Syc- (fig), -ophant (show)
    • 解釋: 拍馬屁者
    • 例句: The sycophant constantly praised the boss in hopes of a promotion.
  13. Truncate
    • 字首: Trunc- (cut off), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 截短,縮短
    • 例句: Due to time constraints, the presentation had to be truncated.
  14. Ubiquity
    • 字根/字首: Ubiqu- (everywhere), -ity (noun suffix)
    • 解釋: 無所不在
    • 例句: The ubiquity of social media has changed how we communicate.
  15. Voracious
    • 字根: Vorac- (devour)
    • 解釋: 貪婪的,狼吞虎嚥的
    • 例句: The voracious reader finished the book in one sitting.
  16. Wane
    • 字根: Wan- (decrease), -e (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 減少,衰退
    • 例句: The interest in the project began to wane over time.
  17. Xenophobia
    • 字首: Xeno- (foreign), -phobia (fear)
    • 解釋: 排外情緒
    • 例句: Xenophobia can lead to social tensions and conflicts.
  18. Yield
    • 字根: Yield- (produce)
    • 解釋: 產生,屈服
    • 例句: The farm yielded a bountiful harvest.
  19. Zephyr
    • 字首: Z- (west), -ephyr (west wind)
    • 解釋: 和風,微風
    • 例句: The zephyr gently rustled the leaves in the garden.
  20. Aplomb
    • 字首: A- (without), -plomb (plummet)
    • 解釋: 沉著冷靜
    • 例句: She handled the challenging situation with aplomb.
  21. Belligerent
    • 字首: Bel- (war), -iger- (carry), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 好戰的,挑釁的
    • 例句: The belligerent remarks escalated the conflict.
  22. Capitulate
    • 字首: Cap- (head), -itul- (little head), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 投降,屈服
    • 例句: Faced with overwhelming odds, the army chose to capitulate.
  23. Dilapidated
    • 字首: Di- (apart), -lapid- (stone), -ated (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 破舊的,狀況惡劣的
    • 例句: The old house was dilapidated and in need of repair.
  24. Ephemeral
    • 字首: Ep- (on), -hemer- (day), -al (related to)
    • 解釋: 短暫的,朝生暮死的
    • 例句: The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a few days.
  25. Facetious
    • 字首: Facet- (facet), -ious (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 輕浮的,詼諧的
    • 例句: His facetious remarks lightened the mood in the room.
  26. Garrulous
    • 字首: Gar- (talkative), -ulous (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 喋喋不休的
    • 例句: The garrulous neighbor always had something to say.
  27. Hapless
    • 字首: Hap- (luck), -less (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 不幸的,倒楣的,不幸運的,不愉快的。
    • 例句: The hapless situation left everyone feeling helpless.
  28. Lethargic
    • 字首: Leth- (forgetfulness), -argic (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 無精打采的,昏睡的
    • 例句: After a large meal, he felt lethargic and sleepy.
  29. Juxtapose
    • 字首: Juxta- (near), -pose (place)
    • 解釋: 並列,並置
    • 例句: The exhibition juxtaposed classical and contemporary artworks.
  30. Kowtow
    • 字首: Kow- (knock), -tow (head)
    • 解釋: 叩頭,卑躬屈膝
    • 例句: The subject had to kowtow before the emperor as a sign of respect.
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