2024-01-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

老婦人 An old woman Jane

an old woman known to the locals simply as Jane.

an old woman known to the locals simply as Jane.








In the quiet village of Willow's End, where the mist often hung low over the cobblestone streets, there lived an old woman known to the locals simply as Jane. Her eyes, once a vivid hazel, had over time become clouded with the wisdom and mysteries of her many years. Despite her frail appearance, she possessed a spirit that seemed to reach beyond the confines of the ordinary world.

Jane was often seen wandering the outskirts of the village at dawn, whispering to the birds and smiling at the first rays of sunlight that broke through the fog. It was said that she had lived through tragedies and triumphs that could fill a dozen lifetimes, yet she carried her past like a secret symphony, only occasionally allowing the outside world a glimpse of her inner music.

One particular morning, as the village still lay in slumber, Jane made her way to the ancient oak that stood at the heart of the forest. The villagers had long believed the tree to be enchanted, and Jane, with her enigmatic ways, was one of the few who could commune with it. As she laid her weathered hand upon the gnarled bark, a soft glow emanated from the contact point, and the air around her shimmered with a delicate dance of colors unseen by any other soul.

The old oak, keeper of untold stories, whispered its secrets to Jane, tales of the wood's ancient inhabitants, of love lost and found, and of the deep, timeless magic that courses through the very roots of the earth. Jane listened, her heart swelling with the beauty and sorrow of the stories, each tale a thread in the intricate tapestry of her own life.

As the sun climbed higher, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink, Jane took her leave, her footsteps silent upon the forest floor. The villagers would wake to find the world seemingly unchanged, unaware of the profound exchange that had taken place just beyond their doors.

And so Jane's days went by, each one a quiet testament to the unseen wonders that lay just beyond the veil of the mundane. In the hearts of the villagers, she would always be a figure of mystery, a bridge to the otherworldly, a keeper of the village's most treasured tales.

My Name is Jane.

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