2024-01-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

偵探 A detective Jane

In the dim light of dusk, Jane stood by the window.

In the dim light of dusk, Jane stood by the window.








In the dim light of dusk, Jane stood by the window, her reflection a blurred visage on the glass pane. She was a detective known for her sharp intuition, a woman whose eyes had seen the depths of human nature, yet retained a glimmer of hope.

It was the eve of the ten-year anniversary of the unsolved case that had haunted her—a mystery that slipped through her fingers like grains of sand, leaving behind only the shadow of regret. The victim's name was also Jane, a coincidence that had always felt like a cruel twist of fate.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Jane's phone rang, slicing through the silence. A voice crackled on the line, "We found something. It's about the case." Her heart skipped a beat.

She arrived at the old mansion, the site where it all began. The air was thick with the past, each room whispering secrets. There, in the attic, under the floorboards, they found a faded photograph and a letter with a name that sent shivers down her spine.

With the evidence in hand, Jane pieced together the puzzle. The victim's confidant, who had vanished without a trace, was the key. They had fled, guilt-ridden, but left behind the seeds of truth. 

Jane stood in the courtroom, the jury hanging onto her every word. The story she wove was not just of guilt and justice, but of redemption. As she spoke, the blurred lines of her reflection became clear. The case was closed, and with it, Jane found a resolution not just for the victim, but for herself. She had faced the specter of her past, and as she stepped out into the light, the world seemed a little less murky, a little more just.

My Name is Jane.

《Jane書寫計畫》以網路上「Jane」的資料(Data)作為創作材料,創造出以「Jane」的肖像,再將肖像,由Chat-GPT4 進行影像閱讀,進行轉譯並書寫為文字,並再經由文字書寫轉譯為圖像。觀眾在具真實與虛擬感知共構中,透過文件閱讀、視覺圖像的符號象徵、感受「Jane」的多重存在樣貌。影像2文字,文字2影像。
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