2024-02-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 24 分鐘

L5 Allergic rhinitis


    Spring is almost here, and it’s starting to warm up outside. Spring brings vitality to nature, and the beautiful scene of spring flowers makes people want to go out and breathe fresh air.

    But spring is a season where some people are happy, and some are worried, and spring is not my favorite. Because spring is also a time of high incidence of allergies, those friends allergic to pollen are not blessed to enjoy this good scenery, which is me.

    It turns out that Hay Fever is also known as Allergic rhinitis. Symptoms include runny or stuffy nose, nasal itching, sneezing, and red, itchy, and watery eyes. The above are the situations that have occurred to me in recent years.

    I did not have Allergic rhinitis before, but until the beginning of 2020, I could sneeze up to 20 times a day or more. My bed used to be covered with stuffed dolls, but I cleared them all away when the sneezing started.

    The problem of allergic rhinitis is complex to cure completely, and the annoying melanin deposits around the eyes are difficult to eliminate. Due to nose allergies, my dark circles have become more apparent. Once exposed to allergens, the nasal mucosa will continue to become congested and swollen, leading to nasal congestion, further worsening blood circulation around the eyes, and eventually leading to "raccoon eyes".

    I hope that my Allergic rhinitis will be cured and I will regain a pair of tight and bright eyes in the future👀✨.

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