Perhaps due to the flat terrain and widespread bike lanes, cycling here is far from being a hassle. I thoroughly enjoy biking when the weather is pleasantly cool and intentionally ride faster in the winter mornings to warm up my body. Riding my bike, affectionately named “Little Green,” with the wind in my face is an exhilarating feeling. Sometimes, I pedal to see horses, cows, or sheep by the riverside. Watching them graze while I, in a way, ruminate over my thoughts, is a contemplative experience.
Unfortunately, Little Green didn’t make it past the first year’s challenges. Shortly after my return from vacation to the Netherlands, it succumbed to a worn-out chain and had to be retired!
“I find it quite impolite of you.”
In the early days, I often joined gatherings or social activities. Despite appearing outgoing, I’m actually afraid of those awkward moments when I can’t find a topic to discuss. Unable to resist, I would discreetly take out my phone and scroll a couple of times with a hint of guilt. While in Taiwan, using your phone in such social situations might seem acceptable, even with close friends, it’s a different story. Talking with foreign friends made me realize that such actions can be considered impolite. It seems like the conversation is interrupted, or using the phone creates an atmosphere of avoiding interaction. Close European friends have asked why Asians always have their phones in hand. I don’t have a definite answer, but for me, socializing in such situations brings some pressure, especially when cultural backgrounds differ, and it’s challenging to find common ground. Perhaps that’s why I tend to seek an escape.
That said, my screen time exceeds five hours, while most foreign friends spend around one to two hours.
In the student life abroad, after class, I’d unwind by strolling through the supermarket before rushing home to prepare dinner. Cooking, along with eating, takes at least two hours. There are times when I can’t wait and end up eating while cooking. As I find myself cooking more, I often recall the image of my mom, never seen pausing her cooking to eat. Besides, I now deeply admire my mom’s ability to prepare a feast in such a short time.
Typical Dutch lunches usually involve two slices of bread with cheese, sometimes accompanied by a generous spoonful of unsweetened peanut butter. While this simple lunch is convenient and economical, cold food doesn’t quite meet my lunch preferences. So, the evening after dinner until midnight is often spent preparing the next day’s lunch or exercising. To save time, I’ve developed a habit of making a variety of side dishes, with cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, or spinach being common ingredients.
荷蘭的超市通常每週都會有不同的品項折扣。不知不覺中養成了習慣每天查詢各家超市的特價商品,然後依照特價品設計每日菜單。再騎著腳踏車道不同超市購買所需物品。每每看到收據上省下了了20到 30歐元,溢滿的成就感也下次超市戰爭的養分。
Dutch supermarkets typically have different items on discount every week. Realizing it, I’ve developed a habit of checking daily specials at various supermarkets and designing my daily menu based on discounted items. I then ride my bike to different supermarkets to buy what I need. Each time I see a receipt showing savings of 20 to 30 euros, the overflowing sense of accomplishment becomes fuel for the next supermarket war.
It’s like clearing the wilderness underfoot, striking the ground with a hoe and slowly loosening the soil. In the face of the relentless flow of time, the days seem insignificant. Yet, when compared to every minute and every second, each day is long enough to leave behind bits of memories. Being abroad constantly prompts self-analysis and self-examination. This self-awareness isn’t better or worse; it’s about discovering how each person is shaped amid these similarities and differences.