更新於 2024/02/24閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

2408 動作就是動作 → 現在分詞

2408 動作就是動作 → 現在分詞

之前有談到子句 ≒ 這個, 那個, 而現在分詞 ≒ 動作就是動作


一:動作就是動作 → 分詞模式


1.          She found herself admiring the native blind prickly pear cactuses jutting out along the rocky roadside.



2.          They veered off the not-so-clearly-marked road and found themselves driving their rental car in a dry gravel riverbed.



3.          We received some anecdotes describing instances in which someone took something from an archaeological or historical site or inherited such an artifact from a family member.



4.          We often hear of tourist misbehavior, some egregious and some innocent, drawing public outrage.



以上例子中的特別標示來看, 中文意思都是回歸到本質 → 動作就是動作, 中文母語者用的非常流暢自然, 而轉為英文時, 就是動詞變成動詞ing, 用一個文言文說法:關係子句變成現在分詞, 也真的只能無言以對講不出來. 所以在了解基本原理時, 還是可以回歸到本質去表達.


二:這個/些, 那個/些, 他/他們自己 → 子句模式

上述的動作就是動作模式, 可改為較文言文的這個, 寫法如下:

1.        She found herself admiring the native blind prickly pear cactuses jutting out along the rocky roadside.

這個/些, 那個/些:She found herself admiring → that she was admiring the native blind prickly pear cactuses jutting → which jutted out along the rocky roadside

她發現了她自己驚嘆起本地盲刺梨仙人掌, 而這些仙人掌沿著崎嶇道路突出.


2.          They veered off the not-so-clearly-marked road and found themselves driving their rental car in a dry gravel riverbed.


這個/些, 那個/些:They veered off the not-so-clearly-marked road and found themselves driving → that they were driving their rental car in a dry gravel riverbed.



3.          We received some anecdotes describing instances in which someone took something from an archaeological or historical site or inherited such an artifact from a family member.


這個/些, 那個/些:We received some anecdotes describingthat described instances in which someone took something from an archaeological or historical site or inherited such an artifact from a family member.



4.          We often hear of tourist misbehavior, some egregious and some innocent, drawing public outrage.


We often hear of tourist misbehavior, some egregious and some innocent, drawingthat draws public outrage.

這個/些, 那個/些:我們經常聽說遊客行為不檢,有些是非常惡劣的,有些則是無心之過,而這些不檢形為引起了公眾的憤怒。


子句模式就變成了中文裏的”而”這個/那個, 這些/那些, 他(們)自己, 這些較為強調的表達.

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