L6 Thunderstorm asthma

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Thunderstorm asthma is an asthma attack associated with thunderstorms. During thunderstorms, the pressure in the atmosphere decreases, temperatures change, and winds increase, factors that can cause increased concentrations of pollen, fungal spores, and other airborne allergens. In people with asthma or hay fever, these changes can trigger severe asthma attacks.


I have Allergic rhinitis myself, so if I encountered the above conditions, I would probably feel some discomfort as well. However, after attending this class, I learned more about thunderstorm asthma, which reminded me of a previous experience. At that time, my family and I were traveling to Melbourne, Australia. There was a thunderstorm one night, so our family stayed at a local B&B to rest. I remember we didn't close all the windows. After an hour of rain, my brother and I felt itchy noses and sneezed unconsciously, as if the air suddenly felt very turbid. But we didn't pay much attention at the moment, thinking that the turbid air was blowing in from outside, so we closed the windows and turned on the air conditioner. After a while, we returned to normal and thought it was the eve of a cold.

My brother and I did not suffer from allergic rhinitis at that time because I only suffered from allergic rhinitis in 2020. Still, my brother has not had any allergic symptoms until now. Among the family, I am the only one with allergy symptoms, so I am the chosen one😇.


Hong Kong is a humid and hot area, and the frequency of thunderstorms is also widespread. Therefore, people in Hong Kong may also be affected by thunderstorm asthma. But in Hong Kong, a place with a small land and a large population, most citizens live in a "concrete forest", and the number of pollen grains in the air is not as much as that in foreign countries. Therefore, the situation in Hong Kong is less severe than that in foreign countries. But if there is a thunderstorm in Hong Kong, I will also close the doors and windows of my home and take protective measures.


The main purpose of this e-portfolio is to document the knowledge, concepts, and reflections from lectures on Environment and Health.
e-portfolio 的其他內容
It turns out that Hay Fever is also known as Allergic rhinitis.
There is another organ hidden in our body that can control various emotional changes in the brain, which is the "gut".
Where does the microbiome in our bodies come from? The fetus is sterile in the womb, meaning there are no bacteria in the fetus' body.
Everyone has a different microbiome, like a fingerprint, unique.
It turns out that Hay Fever is also known as Allergic rhinitis.
There is another organ hidden in our body that can control various emotional changes in the brain, which is the "gut".
Where does the microbiome in our bodies come from? The fetus is sterile in the womb, meaning there are no bacteria in the fetus' body.
Everyone has a different microbiome, like a fingerprint, unique.
Google News 追蹤
回到呼吸,練習呼吸~ 在今天的 #太陽白風 日,學習安住於心,用正向的思維好好擁抱今年 #韻律藍風暴 這個能量,來順應 #韻律藍風暴 帶來的更新與變化~ 就7月26日而言, #韻律藍風暴 新年的第一天,就感受到颱風帶來的清理與破碎,突如其來的災情,許多地方被迫需要更新重建,也看見過去許多
雷聲隆隆 暴雨震撼整個山林 每一片葉 都在顫抖喊叫 回應烏雲密布的 天空
颱風颱風,那麼颱風怎麼出現的? 這麼多名稱怎麼取的?
狂風怒卷城巷間,高樓靜默雨如煙。 電閃雷鳴夜未央,萬戶愁懷心難安。 街巷水漫舟難行,窗戶震顫夢難成。 家園堅守心亦固,風過天晴盼復興。
颱風匆匆而來請做好防颱,注意安全 颱風假,今天又可以輕鬆熬夜畫畫了!
🌧️ 這陣子每天早上大太陽、下午下大雨,每天約莫兩三點,厚厚灰灰的雲就會壟罩天空,然後突然開始閃電,伴隨打雷聲,接著下起傾盆大雨。 下雨天走在路上讓人心煩(雖然大太陽也令人煩躁),但不出門的時候,待在冷氣房裡看著外面下雨,卻讓我覺得有點療癒。縱然外面依舊悶熱潮濕,在室內的我卻感覺涼爽,心情也跟
回到呼吸,練習呼吸~ 在今天的 #太陽白風 日,學習安住於心,用正向的思維好好擁抱今年 #韻律藍風暴 這個能量,來順應 #韻律藍風暴 帶來的更新與變化~ 就7月26日而言, #韻律藍風暴 新年的第一天,就感受到颱風帶來的清理與破碎,突如其來的災情,許多地方被迫需要更新重建,也看見過去許多
雷聲隆隆 暴雨震撼整個山林 每一片葉 都在顫抖喊叫 回應烏雲密布的 天空
颱風颱風,那麼颱風怎麼出現的? 這麼多名稱怎麼取的?
狂風怒卷城巷間,高樓靜默雨如煙。 電閃雷鳴夜未央,萬戶愁懷心難安。 街巷水漫舟難行,窗戶震顫夢難成。 家園堅守心亦固,風過天晴盼復興。
颱風匆匆而來請做好防颱,注意安全 颱風假,今天又可以輕鬆熬夜畫畫了!
🌧️ 這陣子每天早上大太陽、下午下大雨,每天約莫兩三點,厚厚灰灰的雲就會壟罩天空,然後突然開始閃電,伴隨打雷聲,接著下起傾盆大雨。 下雨天走在路上讓人心煩(雖然大太陽也令人煩躁),但不出門的時候,待在冷氣房裡看著外面下雨,卻讓我覺得有點療癒。縱然外面依舊悶熱潮濕,在室內的我卻感覺涼爽,心情也跟