L11 Connecting with nature

閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

Connecting with nature helps maintain our mental health.

Nature is magical and contains endless mysteries waiting for us to explore. The flowers and plants are fragrant, the trees are lush, and when we walk around the green fields, we are all amazed by their vitality.

In the following, I would like to share a recent and unforgettable experience of being close to nature. Last summer, I traveled to Taiwan with my friends. I am different from ordinary tourists because they may only go to some famous scenic spots that are convenient for taking photos or going for the local food. But at that time, I only went to some picturesque places in the suburbs to see the natural scenery.

Three attractions will be shared below: Xikou Tourist Attraction, Xinxikou Suspension Bridge, and Balianxi Organic Eco Village.


First, Xikou Tourist Attraction. Its main features are streams and waterfalls. When the water gushes out of the mountains, it forms a spectacular waterfall and flows through the valley, creating a clear stream.

I can walk along the trails, enjoy these beautiful natural landscapes, and play or splash in the streams 🤪.


Second, the Xinxikou Suspension Bridge has a worrying feel because the area it spans is quite long, but if you look closely, it is a rather slender and graceful suspension bridge. With a total length of 303 meters, it is the longest suspension bridge in Taiwan.

In the center of the suspension bridge, I can enjoy the beautiful Dahan River Valley and see the spectacular scenery of the Dahan River and mountains. The scene is stunning, and I can also experience the excitement of the suspension bridge shaking. Even though it took a lot of energy to go up and down the mountain, I got it done🥵.

Finally, at Balianxi Organic Eco Village. It is rich in natural resources, including clear streams, dense forests, and wildlife. It allows visitors to experience the natural environment and rural life, such as picking fruits, growing vegetables, or visiting organic farms. Visitors can also take an ecological tour to learn about the local ecosystem and conservation efforts.

The above natural environments can keep me away from the hustle and bustle of the city, providing a peaceful and tranquil environment where I can stay away from stress and daily worries and enjoy the tranquility and tranquility of nature.


    The main purpose of this e-portfolio is to document the knowledge, concepts, and reflections from lectures on Environment and Health.
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    解決了調值、聲母韻母發音問題,接下來要學習「發音規則」,包含語流音變、輕聲、兒化、啊的變音等 由來:普通話的標準,來自河北省灤平縣金溝屯 一、輕聲 有些音節失去了原有的聲調,念成比較輕較短的調子, 區分詞性、詞義 例如:東西/東西(輕聲) 三聲+要輕聲的字==> 輕聲字往上走,例如:板子、你們 一、
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    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
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    分類還沒想好,不如先寫下來瑣碎。 談個日常,昨天認分的簽下健身房合約,一個數年來懶散無實質想法的自己。 動的過程很厭世 當心臟開始強力跳動感覺到身體灼熱,呼吸不是最習慣的頻率, 「最後的五分鐘」是我頻頻告訴自己最有說服力,而踏下每一步 今天是第四次,三十分鐘這個數字維持著,沒有激進的成長,在
    -「数 + 助数詞」で、数量を表す。 - 助数詞は数えるものの形や性質によって決まる。 ・“數+量詞”表示數量。 ・量詞是由數數的東西的形狀和性質决定的。 数えるものとその数は以下の語順で示される。 數的東西和那個數用以下的語序表示。 -「〜つ」の数え方は、ほかの助数
    -「に」は、Nが基準になる期間であることを示す。 “・に”表示N為基準的期間。 -「Nに回数」のとき、ある期間内の頻度を表す。 ・“Nに次數”時,表示某期間內的頻率。 1)1週間に 3回 掃除します。 我一週打掃3次。 2)1年に 1回 健康診断が あります。 我一年有
    今天高雄有點涼風,早上騎車去拳館運動時有點涼意 今天上課的成果很差,不知道自己在幹嘛,可能是心中有一堆事情所以打不好 我本來就不是一個擅長運動的人,說真的連跳繩都跳不好(練習中) 這間拳館的每個人的程度都很好,更顯得自己的不足,手腳協調能力真的很差
    剛進大學時,常聽到有三個學分要修: 愛情、學業、社團 對於身上背著助學貸款,需要拼命賺取生活費的 Beta,實在沒有多餘時間,再去參加社團,同時,愛情學分也一片空白,唯一能顧好的,只剩學業 為了增加收入,大三那年,主動到學校的計算機中心,應徵電腦教室的學生助理,工作內容包括,回答學生們各種電腦問題
    解決了調值、聲母韻母發音問題,接下來要學習「發音規則」,包含語流音變、輕聲、兒化、啊的變音等 由來:普通話的標準,來自河北省灤平縣金溝屯 一、輕聲 有些音節失去了原有的聲調,念成比較輕較短的調子, 區分詞性、詞義 例如:東西/東西(輕聲) 三聲+要輕聲的字==> 輕聲字往上走,例如:板子、你們 一、
    01.20 身邊沒有能給予溫暖的人,忍受太多讓自己遍體麟傷,努力沉浸想像美好的事物卻事與願違。一路敗給殘酷的人性,社會守不住臨界點,Happy走向人我毀滅。